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How to disable default behavior of clicking cell. (disable editor)


It seems that I couldn't find a way or API to disable editor popup.
Is there any way to disable the editor popping up?

Just like the effect as ```showQuickInfo={false}```


11 Replies

KK Karthigeyan Krishnamurthi Syncfusion Team April 10, 2019 04:01 AM UTC

Hi Allen, 
Greetings from Syncfusion. 
The onPopupOpen event will be triggered when the cell and event is single / double clicked. In that event function setting args.cancel to true will prevent both the quick popup and editor window. 
onPopupOpen(args) { 
    args.cancel = true; 
Note: We can differentiate quick popup and editor window with args.type value. 

A- A-User April 10, 2019 06:11 PM UTC

The solution works! Thanks

Another question is if there is a way to detect single and double-clicking when users click the cell.
I tried to observe select and popupOpen, but there is no value to identify the type clicking.

In addition, It seems that select Event cannot differentiate multiple and single cell selecting.

KK Karthigeyan Krishnamurthi Syncfusion Team April 11, 2019 05:00 AM UTC

Hi Allen,  
Thanks for your update. 
The cellClick and cellDoubleClick event will trigger when the cell is single and double clicked, kindly refer the API section in the below link. 
In select event, we can differentiate between single and multi-select action with the help of args.element length.  

A- A-User April 11, 2019 03:06 PM UTC

Thanks for the feedback.

I'd like to report a bug.

"In select event, we can differentiate between single and multi-select action with the help of args.element length."

After a multiple selecting, the second single clicking doesn't update 

It means that the second clicking brings the previous element. 
The bug happens from time to time. I guess there is a racing condition?
Please check the attachment.

@syncfusion/ej2-react-schedule": "^17.1.38"
react": "^16.5.2"

Attachment: bug_e6c443cf.7z

A- A-User April 11, 2019 03:52 PM UTC

Another bug is to returning wrong time period while selecting crossing day cells.
Is there an API to disable selecting cell crossing day?

Please check the attachemnt. 

Attachment: TimeWrong_3c565d42.7z

A- A-User replied to Karthigeyan Krishnamurthi April 12, 2019 01:26 PM UTC

Hi Allen,  
Thanks for your update. 
The cellClick and cellDoubleClick event will trigger when the cell is single and double clicked, kindly refer the API section in the below link. 
In select event, we can differentiate between single and multi-select action with the help of args.element length.  

Any updates for the bugs?

NR Nevitha Ravi Syncfusion Team April 12, 2019 01:43 PM UTC

Hi Allen, 
Thanks for your update. 
Q1: We could reproduce the reported issue "second clicking brings previous element"  at our end and confirm this issue as a defect. Therefore, we have logged the bug report for the same which can be available in the following link. The fix for the issue will be included in our weekly patch release which will be rolled out on April 24, 2019. 
Please share your suggestions and things to be ensured while fixing the issue in the comments section. 
Q2:  By default, if multiple days are selected, it will be considered as all-day. So that the startTime and endTime are considered for the selected whole days as in your shared screenshot. 

A- A-User replied to Nevitha Ravi April 12, 2019 02:17 PM UTC

Hi Allen, 
Thanks for your update. 
Q1: We could reproduce the reported issue "second clicking brings previous element"  at our end and confirm this issue as a defect. Therefore, we have logged the bug report for the same which can be available in the following link. The fix for the issue will be included in our weekly patch release which will be rolled out on April 24, 2019. 
Please share your suggestions and things to be ensured while fixing the issue in the comments section. 
Q2:  By default, if multiple days are selected, it will be considered as all-day. So that the startTime and endTime are considered for the selected whole days as in your shared screenshot. 

Thanks for the replaying.

Is it possible to limit users can only select one day as Google does?
If there is a prop to disable crossing days, that will be awesome.

KK Karthigeyan Krishnamurthi Syncfusion Team April 16, 2019 06:09 AM UTC

Hi Allen 
Thanks for your update. 
We logged the bug report for the requested scenario and the fix will be included in JS2 weekly release on April 30, 2019. 

A- A-User April 16, 2019 03:33 PM UTC

Hi Karthi,

Will the limited selecting cells functionality be included in the release?


KK Karthigeyan Krishnamurthi Syncfusion Team April 17, 2019 04:03 AM UTC

Hi Allen,  

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