Flutter Maps is a powerful data visualization widget that displays statistical information for a geographical area. Its rich feature set includes tile rendering from OpenStreetMap, Azure Maps, Bing Maps, Google Maps, and other tile providers. It has marker support and shape layers with features like selection, legends, labels, markers, tooltips, bubbles, color mapping, and much more.
Render GeoJSON data as custom maps or any shape on a shape layer for powerful data visualization. Customize the maps to the desired look using built-in options. For example, you can render a map of the world or any particular country.
An interactive tile layer allows you to load and customize map tiles from web map-tile services such as OpenStreetMaps, Azure Maps API, Bing Maps API, Google Maps Tile API, TomTom, Mapbox, Esri’s ArcGIS. Use markers to denote the specific latitude and longitude in the tile layer as required. Zoom and pan the tile layer to navigate across the regions and take a closer look.
Data labels in the shape layer provide basic information about shapes by displaying their names. If required, trim or hide the labels when they exceed the shape bounds.
Highlight a shape to focus on the selected area. Use functionalities like page transitions and showing detailed information about a selected area during this interaction.
Legends in the shape layer provide clear information on data plotted in the Flutter Maps widget through shape and bubble colors.
Show a legend for data represented by shapes. You can also use the legend-toggling feature to let the end user see only the required shapes and data much easier.
Show data represented by bubbles in a legend. You can use the legend-toggling feature here, too.
Move the legend to any of the four sides or to a custom position.
The default shape, size, and appearance of the legend icons can be customized.
Render the legend bar-style for data rendered in map shapes or bubbles and customize the positions of the labels as needed.
Use gradient colors as the bar background to show changes in regional data.
Place a pointer at the top of the legend while hovering over shapes or bubbles.
Categorize the shapes on a map by customizing their color based on their underlying data. Flutter Maps supports two types of color mapping: equal color mapping and range color mapping.
Apply a specific color to a shape solely based on its data. For example, apply colors to countries based on their organization membership.
Apply colors to shapes as their data falls within a specific range. For example, apply colors to countries based on their population density.
Add information to shapes, such as population density and number of users. Bubbles can be rendered in different colors and sizes based on the settings of their assigned shape.
Customize the color of a bubble and its transparency based on data.
Customize the size of a bubble based on data to enhance a map’s readability.
Denote important locations using multiple markers in Flutter Maps. Use built-in marker icons such as circles, diamonds, rectangles, and triangles. Use any type of widget as a custom marker, from text widgets for showing simple labels to any type of complex widget. Marker animations can be used to highlight a single location or a group of locations. Update the marker position dynamically to the desired location in scenarios like real-time location updates. Use a marker’s tap or click interaction for custom functionalities like navigation, showing a custom info window, and showing different options based on application scenario.
Show markers for a shape layer with specific latitudes and longitudes.
Show markers for a tile layer with specific latitudes and longitudes.
Defines the visual limits for viewing a specific region in Maps.
Add tooltips to show additional information about shapes, bubbles, and markers when tapping or clicking on them.
Enable a tooltip for shapes.
Enable a tooltip for bubbles.
Enable a tooltip for markers.
Add vector shapes such as lines, polylines, arcs, circles, and polygons on both the shape layer and tile layer to show routes and highlight specific regions.
Add vector shapes on top of the shape layer.
Add vector shapes on top of the tile layer.
Add circles and inverted circles on the shape layer and tile layer.
Add polygons and inverted polygons on the shape layer and tile layer.
Add a shape sublayer with GeoJSON data in another shape layer or tile layer to show more details about a particular region.
Add a shape layer as a sublayer of another shape layer.
Add a shape layer as a sublayer of the tile layer.
Zoom in any layer for a closer look at a specific region by pinching, scrolling the mouse wheel, or track pad, or using the built-in Flutter Maps toolbar. Pan the map to navigate across the regions. Zooming and panning can be enabled for both the shape layer and the tile layer.
Easily get started with the Flutter Maps using a few simple lines of DART code example as demonstrated below. Also explore our Flutter Maps Example that shows you how to configure a Maps in Flutter.
late List<Model> _australiaData;
late MapShapeSource _mapShapeSource;
void initState() {
_australiaData = const <Model>[
Model('New South Wales', Color.fromRGBO(255, 215, 0, 1.0),
' New\nSouth Wales'),
Model('Queensland', Color.fromRGBO(72, 209, 204, 1.0), 'Queensland'),
Model('Northern Territory', Color.fromRGBO(255, 78, 66, 1.0),
Model('Victoria', Color.fromRGBO(171, 56, 224, 0.75), 'Victoria'),
Model('South Australia', Color.fromRGBO(126, 247, 74, 0.75),
'South Australia'),
Model('Western Australia', Color.fromRGBO(79, 60, 201, 0.7),
'Western Australia'),
Model('Tasmania', Color.fromRGBO(99, 164, 230, 1), 'Tasmania'),
Model('Australian Capital Territory', Colors.teal, 'ACT')
_mapShapeSource = MapShapeSource.asset(
shapeDataField: 'STATE_NAME',
dataCount: _australiaData.length,
primaryValueMapper: (int index) => _australiaData[index].state,
dataLabelMapper: (int index) => _australiaData[index].stateCode,
shapeColorValueMapper: (int index) => _australiaData[index].color,
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: SfMaps(
layers: <MapShapeLayer>[
source: _mapShapeSource,
showDataLabels: true,
legend: const MapLegend(MapElement.shape),
shapeTooltipBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
return Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
child: Text(
style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
late MapZoomPanBehavior _zoomPanBehavior;
void initState() {
_zoomPanBehavior = MapZoomPanBehavior(minZoomLevel: 4.0);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: SfMaps(
layers: <MapTileLayer>[
urlTemplate: 'https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
initialZoomLevel: 4,
initialFocalLatLng: const MapLatLng(40.7128, -74.0060),
zoomPanBehavior: _zoomPanBehavior,
initialMarkersCount: 1,
markerBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
return const MapMarker(
latitude: 40.7128,
longitude: -74.0060,
child: Icon(Icons.location_on, color: Colors.red),
Syncfusion Flutter Maps provides the following:
You can find our Flutter Maps demo here.
No, this is a commercial product and requires a paid license. However, a free community license is also available for companies and individuals whose organizations have less than $1 million USD in annual gross revenue, 5 or fewer developers, and 10 or fewer total employees.
A good place to start would be our comprehensive getting started documentation.
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