The WinUI NumberBox control provides an intuitive, touch-friendly interface to enter numerical input with different numeric formats. User input can be restricted by specifying minimum and maximum values. In addition, it supports watermark and up-down button for changing the value.
Enter a value in currency, percentage, or decimal format.
Apply custom formats with precision in decimal digits and add prefixes and suffixes.
The values of the WinUI NumberBox control are automatically formatted based on regional or cultural settings.
The WinUI NumberBox control accepts only numerical input. There are many more restrictions that can be imposed, as explained in the following sections.
Restrict users to entering input values within a minimum and maximum range.
Restrict a user’s ability to edit values in the editor.
Prevent users from entering empty or null input.
Display hints using watermark text when a null value is set.
Increase or decrease values by using an up-down button. You can align the buttons side-by-side in inline mode, show it in a popup in compact mode, or hide it.
The value of WinUI NumberBox control can be increased or decreased using arrows and the page-up and page-down keys. Values can also be changed by scrolling the mouse over the control.
The WinUI NumberBox control includes light, dark, and high-contrast themes.
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