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What's New in Syncfusion .NET MAUI Controls


What's New in Syncfusion® .NET MAUI Controls

Jump-start your .NET MAUI project with new AI AssistView customization options; row swiping and flexible cell selection in DataGrid; and Maps legend templates that rolled out in the 2024 Volume 4 release.

What’s New seaprator What's New in Syncfusion® .NET MAUI Controls

AI AssistView (Preview)

Stop responding

This feature allows users to stop the AI from generating further responses.

.NET MAUI AI AssistView stop responding

Editor view customization

This feature allows users to customize the appearance and layout of the editor view.

.NET MAUI AI AssistView custom editor



This feature allows users to swipe a row either from left to right or right to left to perform the desired operation.

.NET MAUI DataGrid Swiping

Cell Selection

This feature allows users to select a single cell or a group of cells in the DataGrid.

.NET MAUI DataGrid Swiping

Excel Library

Excel-to-PDF and image conversion enhancement

The Syncfusion Excel Library now includes the enhancement to preserve WMF images when converting Excel documents to PDF files or images.

Enhancement for WMF image in conversions in MAUI.

Performance improvement

The Syncfusion Excel (XlsIO) library performs with a significant 80% improvement when global styles are applied to Excel worksheets, processing faster and more efficiently.


The Syncfusion Compression library now decrypts zip archives with multiple passwords, allowing each archived item to have a unique password for enhanced flexibility and security.

Linear Gauge

Ticks over range

This feature allows users to render ticks over the range on the scale to improve visualization.

.NET MAUI Gauges Tickover


Template support for legends

This feature provides templates for customizing legends, offering flexibility to match specific styles and requirements.

.NET MAUI Maps LegendTemplate

Numeric Entry

Alignment of up and down buttons

This feature allows users to customize the alignment of up and down buttons to the left, right, or both sides of the entry field.

.NET MAUI NumericEntry UpDown Alignment

PDF Library

Add and retrieve document-level JavaScript in a PDF

This functionality enables users to add or embed, retrieve, modify, and remove document-level JavaScript actions within PDF documents. These actions, written in ECMAScript, allow dynamic content and interactivity by executing scripts when the document is opened or in response to user interactions.

Add and retrieve document-level JavaScript

Flattening specific types of annotations in a PDF

This feature allows users to flatten specific types of annotations in PDF documents, converting them into static content while leaving others editable. It ensures secure, consistent viewing and is ideal for finalizing documents for sharing or submission.

Flattening specific types of annotations

Add date when signing a PDF document

This functionality allows users to set the date signed when adding signatures to PDF documents. This ensures the integrity and authenticity of the document.

Add signed date while signing a PDF

PowerPoint Library

PowerPoint-to-PDF and image conversion enhancement

The Syncfusion PowerPoint Library includes the enhancement to preserve WMF images when converting PowerPoint presentations to PDF files or images.

WMF images in PPTX to PDF conversion

Radial Gauge

Ticks over range

This feature allows users to render ticks over the radial axis to improve visualization.

.NET MAUI Gauges Tickover

Tab View

Indicator stroke thickness

This feature allows users to customize the selection indicator’s stroke thickness in the Tab View control when IndicatorPlacement is set to Bottom or Top.

Tabview with Indicator StrokeThickness

Word Library

Word-to-PDF and image conversion enhancements

The Syncfusion Word Library now includes the following enhancements when converting Word documents to PDF files or images:

  • WMF image preservation: The WMF images in the Word documents are now preserved during PDF or image conversion.

WMF images in Word to PDF conversion

  • Multiple columns: Improved column balancing during Word-to-PDF or image conversions for pages with multicolumn layouts and continuous section breaks.
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