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JavaScript Scheduler, or event calendar, is a fully featured event calendar component that helps users manage their time efficiently. It facilitates easy resource scheduling and the rescheduling of events or appointments through editor pop-ups, drag and drop, and resizing actions.

Why choose Syncfusion Essential Studio® JavaScript Scheduler?

A high performance JavaScript Scheduler.

High performance

The Scheduler loads data on demand by default to reduce the transfer and load times. Proper field mapping is mandatory while binding Scheduler to data sources with different field names.

Seamless data binding in JavaScript Scheduler.

Seamless data binding

Bind data seamlessly with various local and remote data sources such as JSON, OData, WCF, and RESTful web services with the help of a data manager.

Multiple views in JavaScript Scheduler.

Built-in views

There are several different built-in view modes available: day, week, workweek, month, agenda, month-agenda, year, and timeline. With a variety of view-specific variables, you can customize each view.

Recurring events in JavaScript Scheduler.

Recurring events

Easily configure recurring events to repeat on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis with integrated recurrence options.

Multiple resources and grouping in JavaScript Scheduler.

Multiple resources and grouping

To group resources according to multiple factors, the Scheduler offers a wide range of flexible options. It also covers scheduling timelines and grouping appointments by resource and date.

JavaScript Scheduler supports adaptive layout.

Adapts to any resolution

Scheduler has a highly responsive layout and an optimized design for desktops, touch-screens, and smart phones. It works well on all mobile phones that use iOS, Android, or Windows OS.

Attractive customizable themes in JavaScript Scheduler.

Attractive customizable themes

Cutting edge design with 5+ built-in themes such as Fluent, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, Material, Fabric, and more. Utilize the online Theme Studio tool to customize themes of Scheduler easily.

Globalization in JavaScript Scheduler.

Globalization and localization

Enables users from different locales to use the Scheduler by formatting dates, currency, and numbering to suit their preferences.

JavaScript Scheduler Code Example

Easily get started with the JavaScript Scheduler using a few simple lines of HTML and TSX code as demonstrated below. Also explore our JavaScript Scheduler Example that shows you how to render and configure the Scheduler in JavaScript.

  <link href= rel="stylesheet">
  <div class="control-section">
    <div id="Schedule"></div>
import { Schedule, Day, Week, WorkWeek, Month, Agenda } from '@syncfusion/ej2-schedule';
Schedule.Inject(Day, Week, WorkWeek, Month, Agenda);
let data: Object[] = [
    Id: 1,
    Subject: 'Scrum Meeting',
    Location: 'Office',
    StartTime: new Date(2022, 1, 12, 9, 30),
    EndTime: new Date(2023, 1, 12, 10, 30),

let scheduleObj: Schedule = new Schedule({
  selectedDate: new Date(2022, 1, 20),
  eventSettings: { dataSource: data }

Multiple scheduler views

A wide variety of built-in view modes are available: day, week, workweek, month, agenda, month-agenda, year, and timeline. Easily configure each individual view with different, view-specific options.

Day View in JavaScript Scheduler component.

Day, week, and workweek views

Display appointments for a single day or across multiple days.

Month View in JavaScript Scheduler component.

Month view

Display events and appointments on a single day or multiple days for an entire month.

Agenda view in JavaScript Scheduler component.

Agenda view

Load events virtually and display them as a list in a sequential order grouped by day. An option exists to specify the number of days to load initially in the agenda view.

Month agenda view in JavaScript Scheduler component.

Month agenda view

Display the calendar layout and the events of the currently selected date. A round indicator at the bottom of a date shows the presence of one or more events on that day.

Year view in JavaScript Scheduler component.

Year view

Year view displays all the months of a particular year in a calendar view format. In that calendar view, dates containing events and appointments are highlighted with dots placed under the individual date. When you click on the date, the event pop-up will be displayed and the events will be listed.

Timeline views

JavaScript provides five built-in timeline views: timeline day, timeline week, timeline workweek, timeline month, and timeline year. Each view displays events accurately across a horizontal time axis for a single day or multiple days.

To provide better performance, timeline views load resources, events, and appointments virtually on every scroll action.

Timeline view in JavaScript Scheduler component.

Unique view in JavaScript Scheduler component.

Unique view configurations

Easily configure each individual view mode with different calendar settings. For example, you can enable the grouping feature in month view and apply event templates in week view.

Extensible view intervals

Display multiple days, weeks, and months by extending each view mode based on the provided interval count.

Extensible view intervals in JavaScript Scheduler component.

Block time intervals in JavaScript Scheduler component.

Block time interval

You can block specific time ranges on JavaScript Event Calendar to prevent the creation of events and appointments in that time slot.

Inline appointment

With this feature enabled, users can create and edit appointments inline through a single click on the scheduler cells or on the existing appointment’s subject. Pressing Enter after the new subject text is typed in the inline text box will update and save the appointment appropriately.

Inline appointment in JavaScript Scheduler component.

Advanced event-handling options

The JavaScript Event Calendar provides clear, vibrant, exact representations of events and appointments across the Scheduler timeline, based on their assigned time duration.

Illustration of add and edit capabilities of JavaScript Scheduler.

Add and edit capabilities

There is built-in support for better event handling, such as easier appointment creation and editing using the default event editor or through intuitive drag-and-resize actions. In addition, you can also add custom data fields to both the events and resource data source.

Illustration of multiple event selection in JavaScript Scheduler.

Multi-event selection

Easily select multiple events at once by pressing and holding the Ctrl key while clicking on events. On mobile devices, do the same by tapping and holding an event, and continue selecting by single-tapping other events. After successfully selecting events, delete or reposition them simultaneously.

Illustration of event tooltips of JavaScript Scheduler.


The customizable tooltip displays event information while the mouse pointer is hovering over the event. Do the same on mobile devices by tapping and holding an event.

Illustration of event customization with JavaScript Scheduler.

Appearance customization

Change the look and feel of JavaScript Scheduler events and appointments by customizing their default appearance and style using any HTML or CSS.

Illustration of time zone support of JavaScript Scheduler.

Time zone

Regardless of the system time zone, the JavaScript Event Calendar supports setting the required time zone for the control itself, as well as events.

Row auto height in JavaScript Scheduler component.

Adaptive rows

A built-in option has been added to the JavaScript Event Calendar to automatically increase the height of the rows in month and timeline views when new concurrent events or appointments are added.

Context menu

Context menu integrated with JavaScript Scheduler opens when a cell or appointment is right-clicked.

Context menu in JavaScript Scheduler component.

Real-time data synchronization

Real-time appointment data accurately synchronizes with our JavaScript Scheduler.

Illustration of Google Calendar integration with JavaScript Scheduler.

Outlook and Google Calendar integration

Easily synchronize events between our JavaScript Event Calendar and Google or Outlook Calendar via the Google Calendar API or Microsoft Outlook’s object library.

Illustration of real-time updates of JavaScript Scheduler.

Real-time updates

Bidirectional data communication conveys the server-side appointment updates made on Scheduler to all the connected clients through SignalR.

Feature-rich calendar options

The JavaScript Event Calendar inherits almost all the calendar-specific features, such as first day of the week and timescale.

Illustration of first day of the week of JavaScript Scheduler.

First day of the week

Customize the first day of the week, which defaults to Sunday, as per the default locale. You can utilize this option for individual views, also.

Illustration of setting start and end hours on JavaScript Scheduler.

Custom start and end hours

Display the event scheduler layout with specific time durations by hiding the unwanted hours.

Illustration of timescale options of JavaScript Scheduler.

Flexible timescale

Use customizable timescale options to view a timeline of events clearly and set a different duration.

Illustration of working time of JavaScript Scheduler.

Working time

The active cells of the scheduler (displayed in white) visually represent the work days and working hours.

Illustration of current time highlighting in JavaScript Scheduler.

Highlighting current time

Indicate the current date with a highlighted date header. Mark accurately the current time on all views.

Illustration of hiding weekend days in JavaScript Scheduler.

Hiding weekend days

Hiding weekend days from the Scheduler allows you to display only working days across all views.

Illustration of displaying week numbers in JavaScript Scheduler.

Week number display

Display the week number of the current date range beside the date header in day, week, and workweek views. Also display the week number in the month view as the first column. The week number is determined by the first day of the week and week rules (first day or first full week, or first four day week).

Illustration of displaying time format in JavaScript Scheduler.

Time mode

The Scheduler control supports both 12-hour and 24-hour time formats.

Completely customizable UI

Customize the appearance of any part of the Scheduler interface using HTML and CSS styles.

Illustration of date header customization in JavaScript Scheduler.

Date header

Change the default appearance of the header bar by adding any kind of CSS, custom text, or image.

Illustration of complete JavaScript Scheduler customization.

Complete Scheduler UI

A built-in client-side event allows the end users to customize any part of the Scheduler user interface.

Illustration of common header bar in JavaScript Scheduler.

Header bar

Add custom items to the default header bar options. You can hide or show common header bar options.

Illustration of cell customization with JavaScript Scheduler.

Scheduler cells

Out-of-the-box template options allow you to easily customize the cells by adding any kind of text, image, or CSS.

Illustration of quick pop-ups in JavaScript Scheduler.

Quick pop-ups

Easily customize pop-ups that open when single-clicking on cells, events, or appointments with your own UI or template design.

Illustration of event editor of JavaScript Scheduler.

Open event editor externally

The JavaScript Event Calendar offers a built-in method to open the default event editor window programmatically.

User-friendly interactions

The modern and trendy UI design of the JavaScript Scheduler makes the user interactions simpler and more efficient.

Pop-up displaying event information.

Quick event overview

Clicking or tapping on events displays their important details, such as subject and time, along with edit and delete options.

JavaScript Scheduler cell selection.

Cell selection

Click and drag the pointer over the Scheduler cells for multiple-cell selection. You can do the same with keyboard shortcuts.

Event container displayed in month calendar.

Event container

Clicking on the text indicator (+n more) in month and timeline views will open an event container listing all the hidden event and appointment details of a day.

Navigation options in JavaScript Scheduler.

Quick navigation

The JavaScript Scheduler provides an intuitive way to navigate back and forth among the date ranges using an inline calendar, and also to navigate between different view modes.

JavaScript event calendar used in real-time applications.

Real-time applications

Many real-time applications use schedulers as an integral part, thus serving different purposes based on the project type. Some of the active applications are: Fare Calendar, Meeting Room Calendar, Doctor’s Appointment planner, Hotel Room reservation.

Interactive features

The JavaScript Scheduler allows users to export its events in two ways: as an Excel file or as an ICS file.

Illustration of Excel export support in JavaScript Scheduler.

Export to Excel

The JavaScript Scheduler allows you to export all its events to an Excel document by default. It also provides additional customization options to export custom event data collections.

Illustration of export and import ICS files in JavaScript Event Calendar.

Export and import ICS

The JavaScript Event Calendar supports exporting all its event data to iCal format, and it supports importing events from an iCal file into the Scheduler.

JavaScript Scheduler developer-friendly APIs.

Developer-friendly APIs

Developers can have full control over the UI and behavior of the event calendar through its built-in, developer-friendly APIs. It allows you to customize even the complex Scheduler functionalities with ease.


The JavaScript Scheduler component is easily accessed by screen readers. Complete keyboard interaction support has also been provided.

Accessibility enabled JavaScript Scheduler.

Completely accessible

The JavaScript Scheduler component has complete WAI-ARIA accessibility support. The Scheduler UI includes high-contrast visual elements, giving visually impaired people the best viewing experience. Also, valid UI descriptions are easily accessible through assistive technologies such as screen readers.

Keyboard interactive JavaScript event calendar.

Keyboard interactive

Various keyboard shortcuts are available to perform almost all the Scheduler actions, such as multiple cell or event selection and navigating to other views.

Right to left support in JavaScript Scheduler.

Right to left (RTL)

Render the event scheduler following the proper right-to-left conventions.

Other supported frameworks

The Scheduler is available for the Blazor, React, Angular, and Vue frameworks. Explore its platform-specific options through the following links:

Supported browsers

The JavaScript Scheduler works well with all modern web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, and Opera.

Supported browsers.


Frequently Asked Questions

The JavaScript Scheduler with rich set of features offers the following:

  • Highly responsive layout and a finely optimized design for desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
  • Different basic views like day, week, workweek, month, and year of calendar mode and timeline mode.
  • Virtual scrolling allows you to load large numbers of resources and events dynamically.
  • Adapts to different time zones instantly.
  • Multiple resource grouping based on the timeline, horizontal, hierarchical, and date views.
  • Easy synchronization of events with Google and Outlook Calendars.
  • One of the best JavaScript Scheduler in the market that offers feature-rich UI to interact with the software.
  • Simple configuration and API.
  • Support for all modern browsers.
  • Expansive learning resources such as demos and documentation to learn and get started quickly.

We do not sell the JavaScript Scheduler separately. It is only available for purchase as part of the Syncfusion team license. This contains over 1,900 components and frameworks, including the JavaScript Scheduler. The price of the team license starts at $395 per month for 5 developers, and includes support and updates until the subscription expires. In addition, we might offer discounts based on currently active promotions. Please contact our product specialists today to see if you qualify for any additional discounts.

You can find our JavaScript Scheduler demo, which demonstrates how to render and configure the Scheduler.

No, our 1,900+ components and frameworks for web, mobile, and desktop, including our JavaScript Scheduler, are not sold individually. They are only available as part of a team license. However, we have competitively priced the product, so it only costs a little bit more than what some other vendors charge for their Scheduler control alone. We have also found that, in our experience, our customers usually start off using one of our products and then expand to several products quickly, so we felt it was best to offer all 1,900+ components and frameworks for a subscription fee that starts at $395 per month for a team of 5 developers. Additionally, we might be able to offer discounts based on currently active promotions. Please contact our product specialists today to see if you qualify for any additional discounts.

No, this is a commercial product and requires a paid license. However, a free community license is also available for companies and individuals whose organizations have less than $1 million USD in annual gross revenue, 5 or fewer developers, and 10 or fewer total employees.

A good place to start would be our comprehensive getting started documentation.

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Recent activities in JavaScript Scheduler tutorials and blogs

The JavaScript Scheduler tutorial videos and blog posts will guide you in building your first app with JavaScript controls. They provide problem-solving strategies, describe features and functionalities, announce new feature releases, explain best practices, and showcase example scenarios. Explore our latest posts on our blog and tutorial video channels for JavaScript Scheduler updates.

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