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The UWP TreeGrid control is a data-oriented control that displays self-relational data in a tree structure user interface like multicolumn treeview. The data can be loaded on demand. Also, it is possible to move items between parent nodes by using the built-in row drag and drop functionality.

Data binding

  • Bind any hierarchical data by specifying child mapping.
  • Bind self-relational data to display in a tree structure by specifying the parent and child mappings.
  • Use an unbound mode in which data is loaded on-demand through events.

UWP treeview data binding

Selection and node check box

UWP tree grid selection


The tree grid control has built-in support for row-based selection with extensive support for keyboard navigation.

UWP treeview node check box

Node check box

Display check boxes with support for recursive checking and selection synchronization.

Interactive features

Column resizing and rearranging for UWP tree view

Column manipulation

The tree grid control provides a touch-interactive UI for column resizing and rearranging.

Showing context menu in UWP multicolumn tree grid

Context menu

Improve the end user experience by adding custom shortcut menu items.

UWP tree view drag-and-drop

Row drag-and-drop

Drag and drop nodes with indicators to denote drop location.

UWP multicolumn tree view copy to clipboard

Clipboard operations

The tree grid control has support for clipboard operations such as cut, copy, and paste between the data within the control and other applications such as Notepad and Excel.


UWP tree view - row appearance customization

Conditional formatting

Customize cell and row appearance conditionally based on data.

UWP tree view customization

Fully customizable

Completely customize cell and row appearance.

Data shaping and manipulation

Sorting in UWP multicolumn tree grid


Sort data against one or more columns. Custom sorting is also supported.

Filtering in UWP tree grid


Filter nodes programmatically with various filter-level options.

Row and column customization

Excel-like freeze panes in hierarchical grid

Freeze panes

Freeze columns at left and right positions similar to Excel.

Stacked headers in hierarchical grid

Stacked headers

Display stacked headers, which are unbound header rows that can span multiple rows and columns.


  • Support for built-in column types.
  • Embed controls such as progress bar and rating to view or edit the data.
  • Commit or roll back changes when a data object is implemented IEditableObject.

Data error indication and validation

Validate cells and display error information based on INotifyDataErrorInfo and Data Annotations. Also dynamically handle validations.

UWP tree view data validation

Autosizing columns

Set the column width based on specified logic. Options include size to cell, size to header, and auto.


  • A rich set of options are available for exporting data to Microsoft Excel file formats, PDF, and CSV.
  • Several customization options are also provided to customize exporting operations.

Tree view exporting to PDF, Excel and CSV


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Syncfusion UWP TreeGrid Resources


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