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Hierarchical Data

I am looking for suggestions as to how to display and edit hierachical data using the Essential grid before getting started and spend too much time in the wrong path. I'd prefer not to use two syncronized grids (a grid for the parent rows and another for the children). I am thinking about a Drop Down grid column but there is not much documentation about this. Your framework components are the best I have seen soo far. Congratulations Thanks for the help L Guerra

7 Replies

CB Clay Burch Syncfusion Team August 2, 2002 09:38 AM UTC

We have a sample that allows you to display hierarchical data using nested dropdown grids. But to run this sample, you will need the update that we will release in the next few days. As soon as this release in available, I will post the sample in this thread. The idea is to have a GridDataBoundGrid for each level. The sample uses three such grids, the main grid with one child which also displays a child. With each grid, there is associated a DataTable from which the grid displays data. In the sample, the primary table is the NorthWind Customer table. The table at the next level is the Order Table. So, when you click the customer, it drops a grid showing his orders. The third table is the Order_Details table. So, if you click an order in the dropped orders grid, you will see another grid that is the order details for this order. Both nested grids have a foreign key combobox or dropdowngridlist to show how such foreign keys columns can be used. Whenever a child grid is opened, an event is fired that lets you define a DataView.RowFilter relation between the row in the parent grid, and the child grid. It is this RowFilter that determines the rows that will be displayed in the child. The samples lets you nest to two levels, but you can continue the process to nest several grids.

CB Clay Burch Syncfusion Team August 17, 2002 11:29 AM UTC

The hierarchical dropdown GridDataBoundGrids sample is among the samples that are in the RTM release. It is the GDBGwithDropGrids sample.

AN Anthony August 20, 2002 07:02 PM UTC

Hello Clay - Is it possible to embed a grid within a cell w/o the drop down. I have 3 columns and one row of child data to embed for each parent row of data and I would like to display all of it at once. The excel file I have attached has an example. Thanks - Anthony

AN Anthony August 20, 2002 08:05 PM UTC

Follow-up - I was able to embed a GridDataBoundGrid inside of a GridControl using the GridinCells sample as a baseline. However, I was not able to embed a child GridDataBoundGrid into a cell in a parent GridDataBoundGrid grid. Essentially I am retrieving Hierarchical ADO.NET Datasets and I would like to display them as readonly parent/child information that is all visible at the same time. The child data has 3-4 columns and 1-2 rows of information. Is something like this even possible with either of the Grid Controls? Thanks again - Anthony

SH Stefan Hoenig Syncfusion Team August 20, 2002 09:12 PM UTC

Hi Anthony, I recommend that you wait for our 1.1 release. Right now this is to hard to do. But we will provide built-in support for hierarchies in the 1.1 release. Stefan

CB Clay Burch Syncfusion Team August 20, 2002 09:18 PM UTC

Anthony, First, this is definitely something that will be handled in the 1.1 release which will have hierarchical grid support in about 6-8 weeks. Prior to that release, you would have to do some work to get this implemented. One strategy would be to have the primary grid have twice the number of rows as needed, with every other row being a covered row in which you embed a child grid. Its not clear exactly what problems you would encounter. -Clay

AN Anthony August 22, 2002 01:42 PM UTC

Clay & Stefan - Thank you for the update. I have tried to accomplish this effect with several tools and none of them have worked the way that I had hoped. I am glad that Syncfusion is planning to address this challenge. I will keep an eye out for the 1.1 release. Anthony Mansfield

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