ComboboxAdv ,Multiselect Filtering Not work properly


im using ComboboxAdv with multiselect item

The filter of combo box works well when we search for the first , but for the next choices, the filter does not work properly.

 Please see the video and source below.

how to resolve this problem?

how to Filter by Contains?

thank you


2 Replies

KA Karthick Arjunan Syncfusion Team April 26, 2023 02:05 PM UTC


We have confirmed the reported scenario is a defect and logged a report for the reported scenario “ComboBoxAdv - Multiselect filtering not work properly”. We will include the fix for the reported issue in our upcoming weekly NuGet release which is expected to roll out on May 16, 2023. We appreciate your patience until then. We will let you know once it gets rolled out.

You can track the status of this defect using the following feedback link:

If you have any more specification replication procedures or a scenario to be tested, you can add it as a comment in the portal.

Please let us know if you need any further assistance.

Note: The provided feedback link is private, and you need to log in to view this feedback.

Karthick Arjunan

RS Raghavendra Sudhakar Syncfusion Team May 18, 2023 11:50 AM UTC

Hi Ali,

We have included the fix for the reported issue “ComboBoxAdv - Multiselect Filtering is not work properly” in our Weekly NuGet release version 21.2.5 which is available for download (

We thank you for your support and appreciate your patience in waiting for this update. Please get in touch with us if you require any further assistance.


Raghavendra S

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