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Display sum total of column in the dashboard layout panel


I want to display the no of customers (rows) and sum total of the freight column from the customer component to dashboard layout panels. Whenever there is change made in the freight column of customer component it should reflect in the Total freight panel of the dashboard layout component. Kindly assist.


Something like this 




1 Reply

LD LeoLavanya Dhanaraj Syncfusion Team February 9, 2023 11:09 AM UTC

Hi Charles,

Greetings from Syncfusion support.

Based on your shared details, we were quite unclear about your exact requirement for the Angular Dashboard Layout component. Do you want to display the number of columns and rows in the Dashboard Layout component panel? Share with us some additional information to validate this further.

So, could you please share your exact requirement or share the visual representation (if possible, video footage)? Based on that, we will validate and provide a better solution.


Leo Lavanya Dhanaraj

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