Change color or blur background behind picker


Is it possible to change the color or blur the background behind the picker on Android? As it is now there is very little contrast between the picker and the page behind it. We are hoping to change the color of the background behind the picker or add a blur effect instead of changing the color of the picker itself. I have attached a screenshot showing the current setup we have.

Thank you!


1 Reply

ET Eswaran Thirugnanasambandam Syncfusion Team January 9, 2023 11:40 AM UTC

Your requirement can be achieved using the "Opened" and "Closed" events in SfPickers control. Setting the layout's opacity to 0.5 in the picker opened event will blur everything except the picker and setting the layout's opacity to 1 in the picker closed event will make the layout visible again. We have prepared a sample for the same, and please get it from the below attachment.

Please examine our example. If your requirement is different from this, please revert with more details about your requirement. It will assist us in providing an appropriate solution as soon as possible.

Please refer the below user guide documentation for more information. 


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