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Change event to 'dropdownlist'


I have one question when I change events to the 'dropdownlist'.

I want to see only the data I want based on the 'description' of the event.

At first, I want to change the data by setting the whole value "ALL" as the default and selecting "DESCRIPTION" that I want to see each.


It is possible to bring the list to Ajax, but I would like to know how to update it only with the event I want to see after that.


After "success", whose data should I change and what should I do?

1 Reply

RV Ravikumar Venkatesan Syncfusion Team December 22, 2022 02:51 PM UTC

Hi TaeWook,

You can achieve your requirement by sending the description as an additional parameter using the Schedule query property to the server, filtering the appointments based on the selected description, and returning the matching appointment to the Schedule. Refer to the below UG for passing additional details to the server end.



<button id="change-params">Change params value</button>


<ejs-schedule id="schedule" width="100%" height="550">

    <e-schedule-eventsettings dataSource="dataManager" query= "new ej.data.Query().addParams('Subject', 'Meeting')">




<script type="text/javascript">

    document.getElementById('change-params').onclick = (args) => {

        var scheduleObj = document.getElementById('schedule').ej2_instances[0];

        scheduleObj.eventSettings .query.params[0].value = "Add title";




        public JsonResult LoadData(Params param)


            DateTime start = param.StartDate;

            DateTime end = param.EndDate;

            var data = db.ScheduleEventDatas.Where(app => (app.Subject == param.Subject)).ToList();

            return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);



        public class Params


            public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }

            public DateTime EndDate { get; set; }

            public string Subject { get; set; }



Ravikumar Venkatesan

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