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WebAssembly Checkbox


I am trying to use the SfCheckBox but get an NotImplementedException!

The SfCheckBox throws the exception. If I am using the html "default" control, the component is working fine!

Already checked the documentation and demo site! I need a simple two-way binding! @bind-Checked throws the same exception. Using the ValueChanged event, too!

Hope you can help me!

Best regards,

5 Replies 1 reply marked as answer

MK Mohan Kumar Ramasamy Syncfusion Team November 3, 2020 09:57 AM UTC

Hi Bernd, 
We have checked your reported query. We are unable to reproduce the reported issue in our end. Please refer below code snippets. 
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons 
<SfCheckBox Label="Syncfusion Checkbox" @bind-Checked="@Checked" ValueChange="Change" TChecked="bool"></SfCheckBox> 
<br /> 
<br /> 
<input type="checkbox" checked="@InputChecked" @onchange="@(p=>ValueChangeBool())"/> 
<label>Input checkbox</label> 
@code { 
    private bool Checked = true; 
    private bool InputChecked = true; 
    private void Change(ChangeEventArgs<bool> args) 
    private void ValueChangeBool() 
For your reference, we have prepared a sample based on this, please refer below link. 
If you are still facing the issue, kindly share the below details. 
  • If possible, try to reproduce the reported issue in provided sample or share the issue reproducible sample
Please provide the above requested information, based on that we will check and provide you a better solution quickly. 
Mohankumar R 

Marked as answer

BP Bernd Parchmann November 3, 2020 10:32 AM UTC

Thx for your answer!

I created a blank (new and current release of webassembly) project and tested the SfCheckBox. In this project its working!

What are the detailed dependencies to use the Syncfusion nuget packages? NuGet manager in Visual Studio shows three:
- .NETCoreApp 3.1
- net5.0
- .NETStandard 2.1

I am using .NET Standard 2.1 in our client project. net 5.0 SDK is installed. And the Microsoft packages are versions are the latest 3.1.x versions.

Is the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly release candidate 5.x absolutely needed (one of the dependencies of the net5.0 packages)?

MK Mohan Kumar Ramasamy Syncfusion Team November 4, 2020 02:40 PM UTC

Hi Bernd,  
Query: What are the detailed dependencies to use the Syncfusion nuget packages? NuGet manager in Visual Studio shows three:  .NETCoreApp 3.1, net5.0, .NETStandard 2.1  
Currently, we have provided support to the above targets for our Blazor components. The dependencies are installed based on your sample's target .NET version. For example, if your created sample's target is 3.1 then 3.1 related dependencies are installed. For your reference  
.Netstandard2.1 (Client Proj) 
.NetCore3.1(Server proj) 
.NET5.0(client and server proj) 
if sample target has 2.1

Then the dependencies for syncfusion is

Note: All Client (Wasm) projects are targeted to .NetStandard 2.1 
if sample target has 3.1


Sample target to .net 5.0

Then the dependencies syncfusion project is
Query: I am using .NET Standard 2.1 in our client project. net 5.0 SDK is installed. And the Microsoft packages are versions are the latest 3.1.x versions.  

If your project target .NET Standard 2.1, Microsoft packages are installed with the latest 3.1.x versions. Please refer to the .NET Standard supported version doc.  

Query: Is the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly release candidate 5.x absolutely needed (one of the dependencies of the net5.0 packages)?  
Yes. It should need if your sample has targeted to .NET 5.0 and your machine has .NET 5.0 SDK.  
Please let us know, if you need any further assistance. 
Mohan kumar R 

BP Bernd Parchmann November 5, 2020 04:03 PM UTC


Currently we are using netstandard2.1 (client) and netcoreapp3.1 (server). Razor 3.0. .net SDK are installed multiple versions: 5.0 rc1 and rc2  and 3.1 of course!

In January we want to upgrade the Blazor WebAssembly version to .net5.0! I hope/think that the problems will be gone then ;) 

But why it's currently not running as expected?

MK Mohan Kumar Ramasamy Syncfusion Team November 6, 2020 04:48 PM UTC

Hi Bernd, 
We have checked your reported query. We are unable to reproduce the reported issue in our end. So, could you please ensure the below documentation link. 
 If you are still facing the issue, kindly share the below details. 
·         Which situation it not worked as expected 
  • Can you please share us the screenshot of the error log if any ?
  • Share issue details
Please provide the above requested information, based on that we will check and provide you a better solution quickly. 
Mohan kumar R 

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