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Number of visible items in ComboBoxAdv WPF

How do I control the number of visible items in a ComboBoxAdv? For example, we have a multiselect combobox bound to an itemssource with 50 items. The user can only see FOUR items at a time (of course, the scrollbar can be used to see more). How can we increase this number from four to something higher?

2 Replies

MJ Marcus johansson April 21, 2020 07:08 AM UTC

It appears the problem only occurs when the number of items in the itemssource changes after the ComboBoxAdv component has been initialized. In our case, the itemssource is empty (has zero items) at initialization but later grows. In this case, the dropdown list only shows four items at a time.

DV Duraimurugan Vedagiri Syncfusion Team April 21, 2020 12:01 PM UTC

Hi Marcus,

Thanks for using syncfusion products.

Currently ComboBoxAdv doesn’t have direct support to achieve the reported requirement "How define number of visible items in a ComboBoxAdv
dropdown". Instead we suggest the work around solution to meet your requirement that you can customize a ComboBoxAdv.ItemTemplate and define TextBlock height corresponding to the dropdown height.

Code Snippet 
    <syncfusion:ComboBoxAdv x:Name="comboBoxAdv1" DefaultText="..Choose Items.." ItemsSource="{Binding StudentList}" Height="50" Width="300" MaxDropDownHeight="{Binding DropDownHeight}"> 
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" Height="{Binding ItemHeight}"/> 

Here is the sample that works as expected.


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