Essential UI Kit for Xamarin.Forms Visual Studio Extension is not up-to-date ...

The extension ( located at )
is not adding updated XAML codes ( located at ).


create new Xamarin Forms solution,
open Essential UI Kit for Xamarin with right-click on Shared Project,
click on "Select All" check boxes for all categories,
click on "Add"
compile to see errors,
compare added code pages with code on github to find differences.

I have updated all development tools. Please find the file attached.

*** I believe , if I am right, nobody has used this extension after latest update. So this is an opportunity to solve it immediately.

I have already write this in feedback forum.

Best Regards,

Attachment: system_d403ed5a.rar

5 Replies

DV Divya Venkatesan Syncfusion Team March 12, 2020 08:27 AM UTC

Hi Volkan, 
Sorry for the inconvenience caused. 
We will update the UI Kit Visual Studio extension on or before March 31, 2020. We appreciate your patience until then. 
Divya Venkatesan 

DV Divya Venkatesan Syncfusion Team March 31, 2020 09:36 AM UTC

Hi Volkan, 
We will update the UI Kit Visual Studio extension with complete testing on or before April 07, 2020. We appreciate your patience until then. 
Divya Venkatesan 

UN Unknown April 4, 2020 10:38 PM UTC

I realized you have updated.

Thank you for your efforts.

AS Anandraj Selvam Syncfusion Team April 6, 2020 09:23 AM UTC

Hi Volkan,  
Thanks for the update. We will wait to hear from you.  
Anand Raj S. 

AS Anandraj Selvam Syncfusion Team April 7, 2020 01:23 PM UTC

Hi Volkan, 
We would like to let you know that we have included the latest UI Kit extension and is available for download under the following link 
Please get in touch with us if you would require any further assistance. 
Anand Raj S. 

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