fsComboBox Dropdown Button Color

New to Syncfusion...  I'd like to be able to change the foreground color of the button to pull up the dropdown list. I've been playing with the different options and don't see it.  I've attached a picture of what I'm wanting to change, and the xaml I used to get it to look like it does now.  TIA

Attachment: Annotation_20200131_164714_9bdef5db.zip

1 Reply

HM Hemalatha Marikumar Syncfusion Team February 3, 2020 10:53 AM UTC

Hi Robert Porter, 
Greetings from Syncfusion. 
Your requirement” DropDown button color” in SfComboBox has been achieved by using “FontColor” property of “DropDownButtonSettings” as per in below code snippet 
                <combobox:DropDownButtonSettings FontColor="#1F8EFC" FontFamily="{StaticResource fontFamily}" FontIcon="&#xe700;"> 
Please refer the following “UG” link for customize the “DropDownButtonSettings” 
Please find the sample from below link. 
For generating the Font Icon, you can use our Syncfusion Metro Studio. 
Hemalatha M. 

Up arrow icon