Blazor Grid - Destroyed event doesn't get triggered / Gird not updated


Having couple issues:
1. Destroyed event of the grid component does not get triggered when cascading values is updated from the parent component.
2. For fun I tried printing cascading values in the child component - values are updated. But the grid isn't updated with new data. 

Ideally I would like to re-render grid with updated values when new cascading values available.

Thank you,
Bishan M.

1 Reply

VN Vignesh Natarajan Syncfusion Team January 20, 2020 02:05 PM UTC

Hi Bishan,  
Query: “ Destroyed event of the grid component does not get triggered when cascading values is updated from the parent component && “For fun I tried printing cascading values in the child component - values are updated. But the grid isn't updated with new data.  
From the query we understood that you want to reflect grid based on the value from the parent component. Normally when parent component updates some property then grid will refresh if it bound to grid and will not destroy itself. The component disposal will happens when grid is removed from the view as a action of content or page switching. Hence kindly share the following details which will be helpful for us to understand well and validate the query further.  
  1. When do you want to call the destroyed event of the Grid?.
  2. Kindly share more details about the Cascaded values you are referring to.
  3. On which action the parent component updates the cascading value?.
  4. Share your Syncfusion Nuget package. Also ensure that you have referred the same version of Nuget package and script files.   
Vignesh Natarajan. 

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