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can you in textBox1 - Enter an algebraic expression:
put a reference to spreadsheet
to perform calculations similar to sqrt (2) * 2 + [A1] - [B1] after pressing button1 |
Spreadsheet allows user to update cellvalue at runtime with formula. SetCellValue() method can be used to set the formula for sheets. Please refer to below code and UG link.
Example code
//update formula at runtime.
spreadsheet1.ActiveGrid.SetCellValue(spreadsheet1.ActiveSheet["C1"], "="+this.textBox1.Text);
as in spreadsheet, run the field to run the excel function
so that they can be used in spreadsheet |
Spreadsheet supports to import/Open/Save an excel workbook at runtime using UI interface and code behind. Please refer below UG for further reference.
How to spreadsheet save and read the file on disk as.xlsx |
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