How to extract XML friendly HTML content from RTE

Hi Team,

I am exploring the RichTextEditor and I am having issues with the HTML content which is returned from rteObj.value or rteObj.getHTML(). It does not have the special chars like apostrophe escaped. I am sending the data further to an API which will convert the extracted HTML into XML and send to the SP for processing.

Do we have any method in RTE which takes care of this, for example "management’s" gets escaped as "management’s" or I need to handle it at my end?

Thank you!

1 Reply

KR Keerthana Rajendran Syncfusion Team October 24, 2019 12:07 PM UTC

Hi Rimrock Capital, 
Good day to you. 
We suggest you to set the enableHtmlEncode property to true in our RTE component to return the encrypted text. The default value of enableHtmlEncode property is false. You can get the editor content using value property or getHtml methods of RTE.  
If we have misunderstood, share us some clear details on the requirement to proceed further. 

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