If I have something like
<e-accordionitem :key="index" v-for="(program, index) in programs" :header="program.Name" :content="template1"></e-accordionitem>
Now the content is a WEIRD binding to a template.....
let MyTemplateComponent = Vue.extend(MyTemplate)
with template1 looking something like this :-
template1() {
return {
template: MyTemplateComponent,
How do I bind props to the template? Do you have any documentation on this? It seems a very odd way of doing things in vue. I'm guessing you construct the component, but I'm not sure how you inject things. Or in general how to do all the normal Vue things, like how to doing data binding or emit events etc. This content / template system seems common across all the syncfusion controls, so once I work it out for one, it seems I can use it everywhere.
Unfortunately most everywhere in your documentation you seem to use vue without using .vue files to define the templates and it's not clear at all how to do this stuff.