Error while creating new Syncfusion Project

When I try to create a new Syncfusion project in Visual Studio 2017 (Windows 10) I have this error:

Parametro non corretto. (Eccezione da HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG))

How can I resolve?

3 Replies

VN Vadivel Natarajan Syncfusion Team September 3, 2019 11:05 AM UTC

Hi Chiara,  
We are sorry about the inconvenience caused.    
To check further on this, we need the below details from your end as we are unable to reproduce the reported error.  
1. Error log file which is generated in the solution file location (location given in New Project dialog)   
     Example: C:\users\{username}\source\repos\SyncfusionWinFormsApp1\SyncfusionWinFormsApp1_{date}.log   
2. ActivityLog.Setup.xml file from the below location if exists.   
    Location: C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\{Visual Studio version number}   
    Example: C:\Users\vadiveln\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_c92256db   
3. Follow the steps suggested in the below KB article link and send us the zip file which consists of latest complete Syncfusion Installer logs generated by our tool.      
4. In which platform of our Project Template extension are you facing this exception? 
Vadivel Natarajan  

CH Chiara September 3, 2019 01:00 PM UTC

I send you the Activity Logs, but there is not Error log file in the solution file location.
I was trying to create an ASP.NET MVC (EJ2) project.


VN Vadivel Natarajan Syncfusion Team September 4, 2019 06:47 AM UTC

Hi Chiara, 
Thank you for sharing the requested files.  
We have checked the shared log file and found that there is no error related to Syncfusion. So, we suspect that our extension was not installed properly on your machine. Please try the below steps and let us know if this helps you.    
1. Open Visual Studio 2017.     
2. Open Manage Extensions by navigating to Tools -> Extensions and Updates       
3. Select the Installed tab on the left side and type “Syncfusion” in the search box.      
4. Choose ASP.NET MVC Extensions - Syncfusion and click uninstall.   
5. Once uninstalled, you can reinstall it from the below location by simply double click on “Syncfusion Essential JS2 AspNet MVC VSExtensions” and click Install.    
    Example Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\ASP.NET MVC - EJ2\\Utilities\Extensions          
After performing all these steps and the same issue exists, kindly follow the steps suggested in the below KB article link and send us the zip file which consists of Syncfusion Installer logs generated by our tool.  It would be much helpful for us to check the reported issue and provide you the solution at the earliest.       
Vadivel Natarajan  

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