DisableNode function

DisableNodes() function has a bug.

When parent node is disabled all his children are grayed but still You can choose them. It will be better to disable only nodes which are passed to disableNode function. In other case let children be visible normally.

I have also problem with function RemoveNodes(). It does not remove nodes when passing correct list of ids.

Is it possible to add function to highlight nodes by text or other kind of specyfication?

1 Reply

CI Christopher Issac Sunder K Syncfusion Team June 25, 2019 01:31 PM UTC

Hi Tomasz, 
Greetings from Syncfusion support. 
Please find the response for your queries, 
Query – 1 disableNodes() is disabling the children nodes too. 
When we disable the parent node using disableNodes() method, it will disable only the parent node and not its child nodes. This is the default behavior of our TreeView. Please upgrade your application to our latest version and check this behavior once again.  
We have prepared a sample for your reference, 
Note: We have only enabled the expand/collapse icons in the parent nodes to view the child nodes. 
Query -2 removeNodes() doesn’t remove the corresponding nodes 
We have checked with the removeNodes() method and it is working fine at our end. Please ensure that the node element you are going to remove is created in DOM before you remove. Our TreeView component is working based on loadOnDemand concept and due to this the children nodes will not be created in DOM on load. The child node elements will be created once the parent node is expanded. So, we recommend you to ensure whether the node elements are created in DOM before removing it. We described this functionality in the above sample itself. 
Query -3 Is there any function to highlight nodes by Text 
We have CssClass attribute in which you can customize the style of the nodes. We have a similar documentation in our UG documentation page, 
Please get back to us if you require any further assistance. 

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