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this works with typescript?

In my project I'm using angular with typescript. this plugin works with it? 

1 Reply

CI Christopher Issac Sunder K Syncfusion Team May 21, 2019 12:47 PM UTC

Hi Luis,  

Greetings from Syncfusion support. 

Yes , you can render the ribbon component using TypeScript code from TS file in Angular. Please refer to the following code 
<div class="cols-sample-area" style="width:100%"> 
        <div id="defaultRibbon"></div> 
        <div id="contenteditor" class="e-contenteditor" contenteditable="true" spellcheck="false"> 
            <p>Integer dui elit, cursus vel metus maximus, dictum semper magna. Donec volutpat porta gravida. Fusce dapibus cursus tellus et pulvinar. Fusce porta dolor eget consectetur ultricies.</p> 
            <p>Cras et quam scelerisque, blandit lorem a, tristique velit. Quisque sagittis sapien augue. Quisque tincidunt sit amet libero sed luctus.</p> 
            <p>Pellentesque rutrum mauris mi. Ut rutrum quam ac quam tincidunt elementum. Nullam pulvinar mattis velit, nec rutrum enim laoreet quis.Vestibulum ipsum leo, molestie convallis vehicula at, dictum non purus.</p> 
    <ul id="ribbonmenu"> 
                <li><a>Save As</a></li> 

export class HomeComponent { 
    constructor() { } 
    ngOnInit() { 
        let fontfamily = ["Segoe UI", "Arial", "Times New Roman", "Tahoma", "Helvetica"], fontsize = ["1pt", "2pt", "3pt", "4pt", "5pt"], action1 = ["New", "Clear"], action2 = ["Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "strikethrough", "superscript", "subscript", "JustifyLeft", "JustifyCenter", "JustifyRight", "JustifyFull", "Undo", "Redo"]; 
        let sample = new ej.Ribbon($("#defaultRibbon"), { 
            width: "100%", 
            expandPinSettings: { 
                toolTip: "Collapse the Ribbon" 
            collapsePinSettings: { 
                toolTip: "Pin the Ribbon" 
            applicationTab: { 
                type: ej.Ribbon.ApplicationTabType.Menu, menuItemID: "ribbonmenu", menuSettings: { openOnClick: false } 
            tabs: [{ 
                id: "home", text: "HOME", groups: [{ 
                    text: "Alignment", alignType: ej.Ribbon.AlignType.Rows, content: [ 
                            groups: [ 
                                    id: "textindent", 
                                    text: "Indent", 
                                    toolTip: "Text Indent", 
                                    buttonSettings: { 
                                        click: "onClick", 
                                        contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly, 
                                        prefixIcon: "e-icon e-ribbon e-indent" 
                                    id: "textoudent", 
                                    text: "Outdent", 
                                    toolTip: "Text Outdent", 
                                    enableSeparator: true, 
                                    buttonSettings: { 
                                        click: "onClick", 
                                        contentType: ej.ContentType.ImageOnly, 
                                        prefixIcon: "e-icon e-ribbon e-outdent" 
                            defaults: { 
                                type: "button", 
                                isBig: false 
                            ..    .    .  .   .   .  .  .  .  . .  . . . 

Sample can be downloaded from the following link, 


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