Unable to filter records, if there is any null value in first row of grid.

I am trying to filter records with existing filters.
Some properties are null from API data. in this case i am unable to filter records
Please see the below stackblitz link.

In the above provide example i am trying to apply filters for "Description" column.
But the first record contains null value for description.
So i am getting errors in console 
Please the below screenshot.

Hope you will respond ASAP.

Ebenezer Justin.

1 Reply

HJ Hariharan J V Syncfusion Team April 26, 2019 09:29 AM UTC

Hi Ebenezer, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 

We have validated your query and the provided information. By default, If the column type is not defined, it will be determined from the first record of the dataSource. Incase if the first record of the dataSource is null/blank value for a column then it is necessary to define the type for that column.  

We suggest you to apply the column type as string for Description column in Grid. Please find the modified sample and documentation link for more information about column types. 

<ejs-grid [dataSource]='data' #sample [allowFiltering]="true" [allowSorting]="true" [filterSettings]="filterSettings"> 
        <e-column field="Description" headerText="Description" type='string'></e-column> 
        . . . . 


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