Hi Chang,
Query 1: Regarding Schedule doesn’t display the time interval properly for the value 300
We have analyzed the reported behavior, as per the schedule implementation when the time interval hour value which doesn’t divide the value 24 (Total hours per day) will display schedule with the default time interval (60 mins) to avoid the incomplete time slots.
For example, if the time interval value will be five hours (300 mins) and if we divide the time interval based on the value there is no time slot for 25 hours and the time slot from 20 to 24 will be incomplete and we didn’t implement to display the near value too in schedule. Hence, as per the behavior schedule works fine as expected.
Query 2: Regarding to change the shade pattern in Non-Accessible block in schedule
Currently schedule doesn’t have support to change the default view for the Non-Accessible block, and we have logged a feature request for the same, it will be implemented in any of our upcoming release. We appreciate your patience until then.
Now You can now track the current status of your request, review the proposed resolution timeline, and contact us for any further inquiries through this link.
Kindly revert us if you have any concern.