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.net Framework 3.5 and docio 16.4

hi ,
i want to know if .net Framework 3.5 and docio 16.4 are compatible or no  ?

3 Replies

DB Dilli Babu Nandha Gopal Syncfusion Team January 4, 2019 12:05 PM UTC

Hi AtliDev, 

Greetings from Syncfusion. 

Yes, we do support .NET framework 3.5. Syncfusion provides Syncfusion.DocIO.Base assemblies from .NET Framework 2.0 to 4.6. Kindly refer the latest DocIO NuGet from following link. 

Dilli babu. 

AT AtliDev January 4, 2019 01:37 PM UTC

in documentation i see the message,

Starting with version 16.4 (2018 Vol 4), Syncfusion has removed .NET Framework 2.0, 3.5 and 4.5.1 assemblies from the Windows Forms install. These assemblies are provided in a separate add-on install. Please refer to this help topic for more information.

DB Dilli Babu Nandha Gopal Syncfusion Team January 7, 2019 05:44 AM UTC

Hi AtliDev, 
Thank you for your update. 
As mentioned in our documentation, .NET Framework 2.0, 3.5, 4.5.1 and MVC3 assemblies and provide the separate Framework Add-On setup. This setup can be downloaded by customer with valid license and so it won’t available for customer with trail license. 
Once installing Framework Add-On setup, you can find the Framework 2.0, 3.5 and 4.5.1 assemblies from the Syncfusion Essential Studio Platform installed location. 
Location: {ProgramFilesFolder}\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\ {Platform}\ {version}\precompiledassemblies 
Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\Windows\\precompiledassemblies 

Dilli babu. 

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