Grid cell combo box selection change


How would I access a combo box cell's data when the combo box selection changes without having to leave the cell and trigger the CurrentCellEditingComplete event? If I try to access the data on the CurrentCellChanged event, I can only see the old data in the model. Not the new data.

3 Replies

JO Jonathan January 4, 2019 10:35 AM UTC

Any update on this?

AA Arulraj A Syncfusion Team January 4, 2019 11:00 AM UTC

Hi Jonathan, 

Thanks for using Syncfusion product. 

You can use the CurrentCell.Renderer.ControlValue to get the cell’s current value when using CurrentCellChanged event without moving to next cell. 

gridControl.CurrentCellChanged += GridControl_CurrentCellChanged; 
private void GridControl_CurrentCellChanged(object sender, Syncfusion.Windows.ComponentModel.SyncfusionRoutedEventArgs args) 
    GridControl g = (GridControl) sender; 
    string cellValue = ""; 
    if (g != null) 
        GridCurrentCell cc = g.CurrentCell; 
        GridStyleInfo style = g.Model[cc.RowIndex, cc.ColumnIndex]; 
        switch (style.CellType) 
            case "ComboBox": 
                cellValue = $"Combo Changed[{cc.RowIndex},{cc.ColumnIndex}] NewValue={cc.Renderer.ControlValue} OldValue={g.Model[cc.RowIndex,cc.ColumnIndex].CellValue}"; 

Arulraj A 

JO Jonathan January 4, 2019 11:15 AM UTC

Perfect. Thanks a bunch!

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