Data in grid not being reloaded after insert

I have a grid whose data source urls is changed through js code because it depends on values from another grid
when i edit and update records in this dependent grid, everything works well. but when i try inserting a new record it gets inserted in the db but it gets stuck on the edit mode (the textbox for entering record details never leaves)

the only error i get in the console is: net::ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR

i am pasting my code below, i hope it helps


1 Reply

TS Thavasianand Sankaranarayanan Syncfusion Team December 13, 2018 05:58 AM UTC

Hi Wale, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 

We have validated the provided information and we suspect that the reported problem occurred due to the following reason so could you please check and ensure this at your end. 

  1. Outed chrome browser.
  2. Due to Antivirus or Firewall blocking.
  3. Due to network problem.

Please refer the below link for more information. 

Reference link:  

If you still facing the same problem then share the below details it will be helpful for further analysis and to provide a better solution. 

  1. Share grid package and chrome version details.
  2. By default when exception thrown then the grid does not execute further (find the exception details using actionFailure event) so that it maintained in edit state. Please bind actionFailure event and share arguments for further analysis.
  1. Did you faced the reported problem in all browsers or for chrome itself.
  2. As we have seen your code you are refresh the grid when add the records (ActionComplete)  did this resolve the problem (its shows the added records in Grid)

Thavasianand S. 

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