Testing the Vue Grid

In my project I have Vue component that contains Data Grid inside.
I need to test the behavior that is connected with onActionBegin callback of the grid.
But in the test environment my callbacks are not called.
I provided lite version of my samples in  the attachment.
Thank you for help.

PS: I faced a lot of problems mounting the component with Data Grid inside. Cause Data Grid under the hood uses some window functions and properties that are not available from the node environment.
If you have an example of testing the Data Grid, please provide it. Thanks again.

Attachment: example_3f493a92.zip

1 Reply

MF Mohammed Farook J Syncfusion Team November 16, 2018 12:58 PM UTC

Hi Stas, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
Based on your request we have created and attached a sample for testing the Data Grid. In this sample, we have used the “goToPage” method of Grid to navigate to the second page. At this time the “actionBegin” event will be triggered. In the “actionBegin” event handler function we have updated the value for the “currentPage”. Please download the sample from the link below, 
Please refer the code example below, 
    <div class="control-section"> 
<ejs-grid :dataSource="dataS" ref="grid"  :allowPaging='true' :actionBegin="actionBegin"></ejs-grid> 
import Vue from "vue"; 
import { ButtonPlugin } from '@syncfusion/ej2-vue-buttons'; 
import { GridComponent,GridPlugin, Page } from '@syncfusion/ej2-vue-grids'; 
export default Vue.extend({ 
  name: "Default", 
  data: function() { 
    return { 
  methods: { 
    actionBegin(args) { 
      switch (args.requestType) { 
        case 'paging': { 
          this.currentPage = args.currentPage; 
          this.previousPage = args.previousPage; 
  provide: { 
      grid: [Page] 
describe(' Button component render', () => { 
  var vm; 
 it(' Test the created event', (done) => { 
Note : Use commands from the README.md file to run the test case. 
Please get back to us if you need further assistance. 
J Mohammed Farook 

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