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Default relative date picker


We have a dashboard which we have included a datepicker which in turn, has a couple of relative dates set up within it e.g. Last 6 Month(s).

At the moment, the datepicker has no defaults, however is it possible to set it to one of the relative dates so that the user doesn't have to change everytime that load?



3 Replies

ZO Zoe June 19, 2018 09:32 AM UTC

i'll love to hear for  a solution for this !!

NM Narendhran M Syncfusion Team June 19, 2018 01:15 PM UTC

Hi Ross, 

Thank you for using Syncfusion products. 

We can set default relative date by the following steps: 

Step1: Configure date picker with one or more relative dates 

Step2: Select any one of relative as initial selection 


Step 3:  After that, dashboard will get loaded with the selected relative date by default. 

Please let us know if you need any further assistance. 
Narendhran M. 

RO Ross June 19, 2018 04:25 PM UTC

Great, thanks for this! 

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