Hi team,
I am using .NET Framework 4.6.1 and using control Report viewer in Webform.
I am facing below three problems.
- Once report is loaded in report viewer and then if we remove null checkbox from both the date field and click on View Report button then it suppose to show error message of selecting date, but it is not and in console i am getting error related to Geek javascript file. Here i am using Geek js files in my project because i am using that in one of our client project.
- So once 1st problem occurs and then filter will not be working and it throws same error in console.
- The filters panel in Reportviewer control is misaligned only in Safari browser
Need help on this above issue.
Please note that we can not remove Geek js files from the project.
I am attaching a sample project, in which you will be able to reproduce above three issues and also a script for creating data. I have also attached some screen shots which will show the exact error.
Please let me know if you need anything else on this.
Thank you so much.