Grid context menu. Add images and separator


I have several questions about grid context menu and submenu items:
1. How can I add images in context menu?
2. How can I add separator between items in context menu?
3. Can I use as id property number type value instead of char/string?

I am creating context menu like this, but image not showing and I am getting error when I am trying to use id as number and not as string:
<ej-grid #myGrid [contextMenuSettings]="contextMenuSettings"(contextOpen)="onContextMenuOpen($event)"></ej-grid>

private contextMenuItems: Array<any> = [];
private subContextMenuItems: Array<any> = [];

this.contextMenuItems.push({ id: '1', text: "Clear Selection", imageUrl: "/src/deps/images/menu/lightning_power_yellow_16.png" });
this.contextMenuItems.push({ id: '2', text: "Hide column" });
this.subContextMenuItems.push({ contextMenuItem: '1', subMenu: ["OrderID", "CustomerID", "EmployeeID"] });
this.subContextMenuItems.push({ contextMenuItem: '2', subMenu: ["OrderID", "CustomerID", "EmployeeID"] })

this.contextMenuSettings = { enableContextMenu: true, customContextMenuItems: this.contextMenuItems, subContextMenu: this.subContextMenuItems };

And this is how my context menu looks (no image showing and I do not know how to add separator between items):

And here is error when I am trying to use id like number (maybe it is my problem somewhere else in my code(?)):

3 Replies

SA Saravanan Arunachalam Syncfusion Team July 25, 2017 01:26 PM UTC

Hi Agne, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion’s support. 
We have analyzed your requirement that we have achieved by using “create” event of Grid control. Please refer to the below code example. 
        .e-grid .e-customitem>span{ 
            top: "30%"; 
            position: absolute; 
<ej-grid #myGrid [contextMenuSettings]="contextMenuSettings"(contextOpen)="onContextMenuOpen($event)" (create)="onCreate($event)"></ej-grid> 
export class GridComponent { 
    . . . 
        //Add the separator 
        //Add icon to the items 
        $("#1").prepend("<span  class='e-icon e-cancel'></span>"); 
        $("#2").prepend("<span  class='e-icon e-save'></span>"); 
Saravanan A. 

AG Agne July 26, 2017 08:10 AM UTC

Thank you, it is very helpful!

I have one more question about this - maybe there is some possibility add images not using jQuery with prepend/append, but there is some grid context menu item property like imageUrl, icon or something like that? Or maybe this will be done in the future?

SA Saravanan Arunachalam Syncfusion Team July 27, 2017 09:28 AM UTC

Hi Agne, 
We have rendered the context menu based on the <ul><li> template at our source side. In <ul> <li> template, we need to manually add a <span> element with image class inside the <a> tag to display image and we cannot set it using spriteCssClass field as the datasource property which is empty for rendering using <ul> template. Kindly refer to the following playground sample:  
So, we can achieved your requirement by append the <span> to add icon for the context item in the create event of ejGrid control which is like provided in the previous update. 
Saravanan A.    

Up arrow icon