Design SSRS reports locally using the designer? (this will be done against a local database)
We can able to design the Report locally with local database by using our standalone Syncfusion WPF ReportDesigner.
Please refer to the below UG documentation link to design report using WPF ReportDesigner,
Please refer to the MSDN documentation link to design the Report using MS ReportBuilder,
Render the same RDL on our custom ASP.NET web application through the Syncfusion report viewer component.
You can render the designed RDL/RDLC file in our Web based ReportViewer in the your ASP.NET application. Please refer to the below UG documentation link for more detail,
you can obtain the ASP.NET MVC ReportViewer sample in below build installed location,
%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Syncfusion\EssentialStudio\version\ MVC\Samples\web
I understand that the report viewer can render RDLC files and RDL files hosted on SSRS.
We can able to load the report file that is located in locally machine folder and the MS Reporting server (SSRS) is not mandatory to view the report in Syncfusion ReportViewer.
Please refer to the below UG documentation link for to load the RDL report in our ReportViewer.
Can the report viewer resolve external datasources referenced in the RDL file and produce a rendition without the need for SSRS.
Our ReportViewer support to load the datasource from external server and we have restriction only when using the shared datasource for RDL report. If we use the shared datasource for RDL report then the report should be loaded from same SSRS server. We have prepared a sample in ASP.NET MVC platform to load datasource from external server and it can be downloaded from below location,