@Html.EJ().ListBox("listboxsample").Width("240").Datasource((IEnumerable<SyncfusionMvcApplication.ListBoxController.skillset>)ViewBag.datasource).ShowCheckbox(true).ListBoxFields(df => df.Text("text")) <script> $("#Guardarstriker").on("click", function () { target = $("#listboxsample").data("ejListBox"); // in your screenshot you have given id as #Areas var checkedItems = target.getCheckedItems(); }) </script> |
Thank you, for you response Arun.
It was a beginner error. I did the same correction as the image that you sent me and it worked.
With ejGrid put in comment the line @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jquery/js") in the _Layout.cshtml and it worked
Thank you for your help. have a nice weekend