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Xamarin nuget feed empty

Hi, I am trying to get nuget packages for Xamarin but the feed is empty, there is absolutely no package available.The feed URL I am using is http://nuget.syncfusion.com/nuget_xamarin/nuget/getsyncfusionpackages/xamarin (checked a moment ago in the nuget addresses page).Has the feed changed URL or is it broken?

3 Replies

GR Ganesan Rengasamy Syncfusion Team June 8, 2017 08:44 AM UTC

Hi Paolo, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
We could not able to reproduce the reported issue from our side and all Syncfusion Xamarin NuGet packages are available in the Xamarin NuGet feed link (http://nuget.syncfusion.com/nuget_xamarin/nuget/getsyncfusionpackages/xamarin).  
This issue might have occurred based on the internet connectivity problem or wrong package source selected in NuGet Package Manager window. So, please select the Syncfusion Xamarin NuGet feed configured package source and try again to install the Syncfusion Xamarin NuGet packages in your Visual Studio. Also, we didn’t change the Syncfusion Xamarin NuGet feed URL and it’s not broken.  Please refer the below screenshot for the reference. 
If the issue persists, please update the below details to reproduce the issue from our side. 
  1. Reproducing steps.
  2. Screenshot of the issue.
  3. Details about your Visual Studio. Select the Help->About Microsoft Visual Studio. Copy the Visual Studio information by clicking Copy Info and paste this information into notepad. Also, System Information by clicking the System Info and paste into notepad. Share those Visual Studio and System information also
  4. NuGet.Config file. You can get it from the location “C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\NuGet”
Ganesan R. 

PT Paolo Turello June 8, 2017 09:03 AM UTC

Thank you for the prompt answer.
Today the feed is working regularly for me too. As you said it was probably some network issue.

GR Ganesan Rengasamy Syncfusion Team June 8, 2017 10:04 AM UTC

Hi Paolo, 
Thanks for the update, we are glad that the issue has been resolved. 

Ganesan R. 

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