Clean Install Issues

I was excited to discover Syncfusion's UWP controls, and quickly downloaded/installed them.  However, my thoughts since have been somewhat mixed.  My environment is Win10/VS2015, relatively clean, with no other third-party controls installed.  The three main issues I've experienced are as follows:
  1. When compiling/running the samples, there are numerous warnings.  Also, when using the SfDataGrid control in  a simple, clean research app, I get warnings I don't know how to deal with.  The most common is "No default or neutral resource given for...".
  2. This may be related to #1, but when I run the samples, there are places where the app simply disappears (presumably crashing).  For example, if I navigate to "DataGrid" and click on "Master-Detail View", it just disappears.  (Note:  I do get nasty exceptions when running in the debugger.)
  3. The Syncfusion controls did not get installed in my VS2015 Enterprise toolbox.  My searches suggest there should be a tool to facilitate this, but I've been unable to find one.

If I can get past these I may, once again, be very excited about this product, but right now I have somewhat mixed feelings.


1 Reply

JG Jai Ganesh S Syncfusion Team November 2, 2015 12:35 PM UTC

Hi Bradley,

Thank you for using Syncfusion products.

We analyzed your query. A support incident to track the status of this query has been created under your account. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Jai Ganesh S

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