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Map Zooming

Using the Map I just noticed thiese problem:
If the page starts witt a dimension, I display the map, do some zooming (with the mouse or the navigator), and then I maximize the Browser window, the map will not display the full extent, but only a small part of it. This behaviour can be seen on your online demo in the default functionalities Page.

Hope there is a workaround.

    Andrea Perazzolo

9 Replies

MV Mohana V Syncfusion Team February 4, 2015 06:11 AM UTC

Hi Andrea,

We have analyzed the map rendering with resized and maximized window, the map control is rendering exactly with full extent of parent container element size.

We have attached video link with the replication for your better understanding and please provide us some additional details about the issue you are facing with zooming map control, so that we can provide you accurate solution.

Please find the video link:


Please let us know in case of any queries.

Mohana V

AP Andrea Perazzolo February 4, 2015 08:35 AM UTC

I will upload a video of a session done on your examples site (the local samples installed on my PC).
I have not described well the problem.
The Step to replicate, as shown in the video are the following:
1) Show the Map.
2) Zoom the map with mouse or the navigator.
3) Maximize the window and wait for the map to redraw.
4) Try to zoom out to the original starting position.

The behaviour is that the new starting zoom position seems to be tha actual zoom level, and cannot zoomed out again.
Another problem I noticed is that when the container div of the map is sized in percent, the Map is contained in a Bootstrap Accordion.
As Shown in the Second Video, the steps to reproduce it are the following:

1) Show the Map
2) Zoom in
3) Close the Accordion
4) Mazimize the Browser window.
5) Open the Accordion,
6) Do some zooming

At this point the Map draws outside the Container.
In this Project I used the Unobtrusive Support Enabled.

    Hope it helps

   Andrea Perazzolo

Attachment: 20150204_0920_53_361d9edc.zip

AP Andrea Perazzolo February 4, 2015 08:36 AM UTC

Sorry, the first attachment was lost

Attachment: 20150204_0855_14_ec665e07.zip

MV Mohana V Syncfusion Team February 5, 2015 11:39 AM UTC

Hi Andrea,

Query 1: “The new starting zoom position seems to be the actual zoom level, and cannot zoomed out again.”

We are able to reproduce the issue “Zoomout not working after maximize the browser window” and we have logged an issue report for this. The fix for this issue will be included in our upcoming Service pack release which is scheduled in February last week.

Query 2: “Map draws outside the Container using Accordion”

We have analyzed the query and we are not able to reproduce the mentioned issue with accordion control. Please provide us sample or the cshtml file including controller which you have used to render map control with accordion to sort out the issue and provide accurate solution.

Please let us know in case of any queries.

Mohana V

AP Andrea Perazzolo February 5, 2015 01:01 PM UTC

I tried to extract the page from my project, just the Map and a page layout, but static.
The only data retrieved are the WorldMap json file that I took from the samples.
The Step to reproduce the problem are specified in the other post.

Andrea Perazzolo

Attachment: Attach_1b92dbe6.zip

MV Mohana V Syncfusion Team February 9, 2015 12:34 PM UTC

Hi Andrea,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

We are still unable to reproduce the issue "Map draws outside the accordion container". We have created map sample by using your provided cshtml file but the application map with accordion was not rendering in the proper alignment as per the video which was sent by you in the previous update.

We have noticed that you have specified various container with class names "panel-title", "panel panel-orange", "left" etc to render the layout and we were not able to find out the styles which was applied to those containers hence we are getting inappropriate alignment view while rendering the sample and cannot process the expanding/collapsing accordion behavior to reproduce the issue.

Please find the video link which provides the view of map with accordion when we render your cshtml changes:


Please let us know the codes used to achieve accordion control behavior or using any other accordion control. While trying with the Syncfusion accordion control, map renders within the container without overlapping while zoom in/out map and expanding/collapsing the accordion control.

Please find the cshtml file which we tried out to render map control using Syncfusion accordion control:


It would be better for us to assist you further, if you send the sample or css file containing styles applied for the containers and accordion control used to render the accordion view in the video provided.

We would like to ensure certain criteria from your side also additionally to resolve the issue such as,

1. Ensuring "overflow:visible" style is not applied anywhere in the container holding map control or any root container since there is chances that control will render outside the container, if the overflow style is visible.
2. Also try to render the map control with position style as absolute.

Please ensure the above things and get back to us with additional details requested to provide you accurate solution.

Please let us know in case of any queries.

Mohana V

AP Andrea Perazzolo February 9, 2015 12:37 PM UTC

Hi, one little precisation:
The Accordion is Bootstrap Accordion, ton Syncfusi9on one.
I'll try to reproduce the problem with your sample.

    Andrea Perazzolo

AP Andrea Perazzolo February 9, 2015 02:09 PM UTC

I created a sample project that shows you the problem.
The Map Element is inside a Bootstrap Accordion.,
The steps to reproduce the rendering problem are the following:
1) Click on the Map Menu voice.
2) Do some zooming
3) Close the Accordion Link
4) maximize the Browser Window
5) Open the Accordion.

   Hope it helps

   Andrea Perazzolo

Attachment: TestMapRendering_ed9a6a81.zip

MV Mohana V Syncfusion Team February 10, 2015 11:18 AM UTC

Hi Andrea,

Thank you for assisting us to reproduce the issue.

Query: “Map draws outside the Container using Accordion”

We are now able to reproduce the issue “Map rendering outside the Container in accordion while maximize the browser window” in provided sample and we have logged an issue report for this. The fix for this issue will be included in our upcoming Service pack release which is scheduled in February last week.

Please let us know in case of any queries.

Mohana V

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