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Some Functionality Not Works

I am currently working with Win forms Pivot Grid in that I am trying for following features but it not works.
1) I have reset button in my form while I click that button all the pivot row item, pivot column item, pivot calculation item want to clear.

       I tried the code like
          GrdPivotGrd.DeferLayoutUpdate() = True

2) While I drag and drop the columns in to row label grouping creates automatically and subtotal is calculated for before column of last pivot row item. I want subtotal for last pivot row items

3) Not able to clear all the pivot item by clicking close button in row label or column label items, at least one item as a mandatory, I want to clear all item.

4) Column expands button enables in mouse pointer after little bit scroll happen only.

5) I am using following code to hide subtotal

      If Me.GrdPivotGrd.PivotRows.Count > 0 Then 'Not Me.ChkShowSubTotal.Checked And
                    If Not IsNothing(Me.GrdPivotGrd.PivotEngine(e.Index - 1, Me.GrdPivotGrd.PivotRows.Count).CellType) = True AndAlso Me.GrdPivotGrd.PivotEngine(e.Index - 1, Me.GrdPivotGrd.PivotRows.Count).CellType = (IIf(IsNothing(PivotCellType.TotalCell), 0, PivotCellType.TotalCell) Or IIf(IsNothing(PivotCellType.ValueCell), 0, PivotCellType.ValueCell)) Then '
                        e.Size = 0
                        e.Handled = True
                    End If
                End If

It’s hiding the total row in the grid, while I am pressing collapse button in the grid its hide all the rows of that group.

6) Allow filtering options works only having the items in pivot columns. If I didn’t have the columns in pivot columns means it not allows the user to filter the items in pivot rows.

    7)  I am using collapsing event in the grid, But it not fire’s while I collapse the group in the grid.

Please give any Solutions for above mention items. For your best understanding I have attached screen short by mentioning serial no of above issue

Attachment: SyncAtt_37c14e76.zip

2 Replies

SA Solai A L Syncfusion Team July 9, 2014 05:12 PM UTC

Hi Ashok,

Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion Products.

To clear pivot items

Please use Remove () instead of Clear ()(don’t use clear for this case).Kindly refer the below example for removing the pivot columns, likewise you can remove for pivot rows also.

foreach (PivotItem item in this.pivotGridControl1.PivotColumns)





Hide Subtotal

Please follow forum 116424 for this query.

 Collapsing event is not firing

We could not able to reproduce the reported issue at our end. Could you please provide us a sample reproducing the issue or step by step replication procedure to reproduce the reported issue?



Delay in column expands button

subtotal for last pivot row items

Doesn’t allow the user to filter the items in pivot rows.

 Not able to clear all the pivot item by clicking close button

By default our column label or row label will have minimum of one item. To achieve these requirements kindly refer the feature “RowPivotsOnly”, which will be available in the upcoming release. Hence, please migrate to the latest version.

Kindly refer the below provided image.



Please let us know if you have any concerns.


Thanks & Regards,


SA Solai A L Syncfusion Team July 9, 2014 05:24 PM UTC

Hi Ashokraj,
Kindly refer the below attachment for Row Pivot schema(which is missed in the previous update).

Thanks & Regards,

Attachment: RowPivot_2a23347b.zip

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