Hi Randy,
Thank you for your update.
1) Can multiple instances of PDF Viewer exist on a single
web page?
Yes, we have created a simple MVC sample to show two
PdfViewer in a single page and the sample is attached below.
Sample: PdfViewerMvc4Demo.zip
2) Is it
possible to hide the save and print buttons while keeping the other standard
toolbar buttons?
We can use the
Custom toolbar to have the toolbar items we needed and the online Sample can be
found in the below link
3) Is it
possible to host the PDF Viewer in a modal dialog (for example Syncfusion MVC
dialog control or jQueryUI dialog), and if so can the PDF Viewer be resized if
the user resizes the dialog?
There is no external event to resize the PdfViewer control
and PdfViewer control cannot be host in Modal dialog.
Please, let us know if you need any further assistance.
Uthistran S.