GroupBar not found


my Environment is.
WPF Controls 11.3040.0.30.
Windows 8.1 with Visual Studio 2013.

By using GroupBar in my MainWindow i got the following exception.
System.IO.FileNotFoundException, Assembly syncfusion.Tools.wpf.Aero2, Version 11.3040.0.30.

There is no such assembly on my whole developer machine !?

What causes this issue ??

Best Regards


2 Replies

KB Kim Bouchard November 20, 2013 12:11 AM UTC

One thing i forgot to mention, i am using Caliburn Micro.
In the meantime i have done some further Investigation.

My app uses the Caliburn Micros bootstrapper for starting a ShellWindow where
the GroupBar is sitting in.
If i start the app without the bootstrapper then
everthing works as expected.
It seems that Caliburn Micro and Syncfusion WPF controls doesn't work together in
my scenario !?



MM Muthalagu M Syncfusion Team November 27, 2013 11:33 AM UTC

Hi Kim,

Thanks for using Syncfusion Products.

We are not able to reproduce the reported System.IO.FileNotFoundException issue with our GroupBar and Caliburn Bootstrapper class and here we have attached our working sample.

Could you please update more information of issue such as issue reproducing sample to us? It would be better for us to analyse further and provide you a better solution.


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