RightToLeft not working correctly on Grid


I just found what looks like to be another bug in one of your Syncfusion controls. In this case it's the Windows Forms Grid. On one of our screens we have a Grid and for some design purposes we needed the scrollbar on the left side instead of the usual right side. Setting the RightToLeft to Yes and switching the text alignment did the trick: a grid with text aligned to the left and the scrollbar on the left too.

Now to the curious part of the bug. Normal texts are displayed correctly, but if the text ends with a symbol, this last symbol is reversed and put at the beginning of the text. Here some examples:
  • Just a (text) -> (Just a (text
  • Another (example)! -> !(Another (example
  • This on the other hand (works) fine -> This on the other hand (works) fine

Best regards... Boris

1 Reply

AS Athiram S Syncfusion Team July 3, 2013 04:57 AM UTC

Hi Boris,

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion Products.

We are able to reproduce the issue from our side. We cannot provide patch for this issue through forum. Hence, we request you to create an incident where we can provide you with patch for the issue.

So, kindly open an incident in Direct Trac, where you obtain a better support.

Please let me know if you have any concerns.

Athiram S

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