Make sure to preface the method/property name with the fully qualified interface name that it belongs to, like this:
// In C#
// Where someType implements ISomeInterface’s SomeMethod as a private implementation.
Type someType = someInstance.GetType();
MethodInfo mi = someType.GetMethod('System.Windows.Forms.ISomeInterface.SomeMethod',
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
if(mi != null)
mi.Invoke(someInsance, new object[]{});
’ In VB.Net
’ Where someType implements ISomeInterface’s SomeMethod as a private implementation.
Dim someType As Type = someInstance.GetType()
MethodInfo mi = someType.GetMethod('System.Windows.Forms.ISomeInterface.SomeMethod',
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
If Not mi Is Nothing Then
’ Assuming no arguments for SomeMethod.
mi.Invoke(someInsance, Nothing)
End If
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