Visual Studio for Mac Succinctly® premier

Alessandro Del Sole

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Visual Studio for Mac is an integrated development environment that can be used on macOS to build apps in C# and F# with a native user interface and tools tailored for macOS and for cross-platform development. Alessandro Del Sole provides a guide to this latest VS product, paying particular attention to the Integrated Development Environment, the workspace, and all the integrated tools you can leverage to build high-quality, professional applications for mobile devices and the web. Visual Studio for Mac Succinctly® also includes an introduction to building apps with Xamarin and .NET Core and has been updated for the 2019 version of the IDE.

  • Introducing Visual Studio for Mac

  • Exploring the IDE

  • Debugging Applications

  • Creating .NET Core Apps

  • Creating Xamarin Projects

  • Version Control with Git

  • Customizing and Extending Visual Studio for Mac



Published on

February 4, 2021




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