
Achieving Consistency with Syncfusion® Controls for Windows Forms

Achieving Consistency with Syncfusion Controls for Windows Forms

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Hailin Shu is the senior developer at Dafy Credit, a finance company. Shu specializes in ASP.NET MVC-based tools that help others in the company fulfill their everyday needs, specifically processing business requests to other internal team members quickly and efficiently.


Dafy Credit’s website lacked consistency, which made the process of submitting and processing internal requests very difficult. The amount of manual work present in the request process was also high, with excessive time and energy being spent on Excel spreadsheets and emails to process current requests.


Shu used Essential Studio® for Windows Forms to create a solution. The Grid, Button, and Paging controls helped create consistent site navigation and processing. The Captcha control added a unique quality as well, providing both written and audio options for employees, and allowed Shu to implement a versatile single sign-on portal.

The next part of the solution enables sales team members to submit their requirements online. Members can handle those requirements and provide feedback all within the same browser, eliminating the back and forth processes of having to use both Excel and emails to process requests.

Shu saved between 100 and 150 development hours with Syncfusion controls for Windows Forms, and plans to continue working with Syncfusion to save time creating and improving multipurpose systems in the future.


  • Received prompt support responses
    • Received prompt support responses.
  • Saved development hours
    • Saved development hours.
  • Achieved desired consistency
    • Achieved desired consistency.

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