Xamarin Evolve 2014: Syncfusion + Xamarin.Forms | Syncfusion Blogs
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Syncfusion exhibited at the second annual Xamarin Evolve 2014 conference last week in Atlanta. Our booth display featured a range of mobile devices to highlight how our new line of data visualization controls and reporting libraries for Xamarin.Forms renders on various devices.


Essential Studio® for Xamarin

Many of the visitors to our booth were Syncfusion customers who were excited that they could now use Syncfusion and Xamarin.Forms together for cross-platform mobile development. We heard phrases like “Super cool!” and “Thanks for this awesome integration,” that made us all smile. We also got great tweets like these:

The teams we worked with at Xamarin were all great as well. They helped us successfully launch our new Essential Studio® for Xamarin at the event by highlighting us in the keynote address, sharing a quote for our press release, and making sure our components were available on the Xamarin component store.

Our Xamarin.Forms controls were also featured on a slide during CTO Miguel de Icaza’s portion of the keynote address.


Syncfusion mentioned in keynote

We are currently shipping a line of reporting libraries that support Xamarin.Forms, as well as UI controls TreeMap, Chart, and Gauge to provide stunning data visualization. We look forward to releasing more controls to support Xamarin.Forms and being part of the mobile development revolution!

To see this exciting new suite in action, download a free trial of Essential Studio® for Xamarin today and let us know what you think in the comments or on Twitter @syncfusion.

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Marissa Keller Outten

Meet the Author

Marissa Keller Outten

Marissa Keller Outten is the VP of Business Development at Syncfusion. For over 20 years, she has built win-win relationships with marketing, integration and alliance partners to expand the Syncfusion community.