What’s New in Blazor: 2024 Volume 4 | Syncfusion Blogs
What’s New in Blazor: 2024 Volume 4

TL;DR: Syncfusion Blazor 2024 Volume 4 introduces new preview components, including Ribbon, Chat UI, and Sankey Diagram, along with full support for .NET 9, the Tailwind CSS 3.4 theme, and integration with Microsoft AI services. The update also includes enhancements such as Hijri calendar support, adaptive chart layouts, and more. 

We are thrilled to announce that the Syncfusion Essential Studio® 2024 Volume 4 release is here! This release introduces astonishing new controls and features in our Blazor suite to enhance user experience and streamline modern web development.

Let’s explore them!

.NET 9 support

Syncfusion Blazor components now fully support .NET 9, beginning with the 2024 Volume 3 Service Pack release (27.2). We’ve provided dedicated assemblies for .NET 9, ensuring you can leverage the latest enhancements in Blazor.

Tailwind CSS 3.4 theme

All components in the Syncfusion Blazor suite now support the Tailwind CSS 3.4 theme, which adds enhanced styling and features for a polished modern appearance.

Integrated Microsoft AI Extension Libraries

The Microsoft.Extensions.AI package allows for easy integration of AI functionalities into our components. This package provides a unified API abstraction for AI services, including:

  • OpenAI
  • Azure AI Inference
  • Ollama

Learn more about integrating these capabilities in our detailed blog post.

New Blazor components

The 2024 Volume 4 release introduces the following three new Blazor components in preview mode:

Ribbon (Preview)

The Blazor Ribbon component provides a streamlined interface for accessing features and functions.

Its key features include:

  • Built-in items: Customizable items like buttons, checkboxes, and dropdowns.
  • Modes: Classic and simplified modes to organize items effectively.
  • Tooltips: Provides enhanced user guidance.
  • File and backstage menu: Supports common actions with customizable backstage views.
  • Templates: Customizable item templates and help panes.

Refer to the following image.

Blazor Ribbon component
Blazor Ribbon component

Chat UI (Preview)

The new Blazor Chat UI is a lightweight chat interface for displaying user conversations.

Its key features include:

  • Message suggestions: Customizable templates for interaction enhancement.
  • On-demand message loading: Enhances performance by loading messages as needed.
  • Header toolbar: Customizable toolbar items and commands.
  • Timebreak and typing indicator: Improves conversation readability and interaction.

Refer to the following image.

Blazor Chat UI component
Blazor Chat UI component

Sankey Diagrams (Preview)

Visualize flow and relationships in various data contexts with the Blazor Sankey Diagrams component.

Its key features include:

  • Nodes and links: Represent and connect stages with flow magnitude visualization.
  • Labels, tooltips, and legends: Enhance clarity and readability.
  • Responsive design, layout options, and export: Provide adaptable and shareable visualization.

Refer to the following image.

Blazor Sankey component
Blazor Sankey component

Preview to production-ready components

The Blazor AI AssistView and MultiColumn ComboBox components have matured to meet industry standards and are now marked as production-ready.

What’s new in existing Blazor components?

Let’s see the new user-friendly features added to our existing Blazor components as part of the 2024 volume 4 release!

Calendars and Pickers

The Blazor Calendars and Pickers now support the following new features:

  • Hijri Calendar: Supports the Islamic lunar calendar for accurate date management.
Hijiri calendar support in Blazor Calendars and Pickers
Hijiri calendar support in Blazor Calendars and Pickers
  • Popup opening on focus: Automatically opens date/time popups when the component is focused.
Popup opening on focus feature in Blazor Calendars and Pickers
Popup opening on focus feature in Blazor Calendars and Pickers


The Blazor Charts component delivers the following new vivid features:

  • Adaptive layout: Dynamically adjusts chart elements for various screen sizes.
Adaptive layout in Blazor Charts
 Adaptive layout in Blazor Charts
  • Crosshair snap: Focuses on nearest data points for precision.
Crosshair snap feature in Blazor Charts
 Crosshair snap feature in Blazor Charts


The Blazor Dropdown components have the following new updates:

  • Popup resize: Allows dynamic resizing of dropdowns for enhanced usability.
Popup resizing feature in Blazor Dropdowns
Popup resizing feature in Blazor Dropdowns
  • Filtering with debounce: Optimizes performance by delaying filtering during rapid typing.


Prevent overlapping appointments

The Blazor Scheduler component offers a built-in feature to prevent appointment overlaps, ensuring efficient time management.

Refer to the following image.

Preventing overlapping appointments in Blazor Scheduler
Preventing overlapping appointments in Blazor Scheduler

Also, check out the following demos:    

Image Editor

Image type and size restriction

The Blazor Image Editor component allows us to set restrictions on image extensions and sizes for uploads, providing user-friendly alerts.

Refer to the following image.

Setting image type and size restrictions in Blazor Image Editor
Setting image type and size restrictions in Blazor Image Editor

File Manager

Chunk upload

The Blazor File Manager now implements a robust chunk upload mechanism, enabling efficient handling of large file uploads in your Blazor apps. This feature segments sizeable files into smaller, manageable chunks based on a configurable chunk size, sequentially transmitted to the server. This feature enhances reliability for large file transfers, improves upload performance, and reduces memory usage.

Chunk upload feature in Blazor File Manager
Chunk upload feature in Blazor File Manager


Marker cluster configuration

The Blazor Maps component allows us to enable and customize marker clusters for individual marker groups to improve map readability.

Marker cluster in Blazor Maps
Marker cluster in Blazor Maps

Dropdown Tree

Value template

The Blazor Dropdown Tree offers a customizable rendering of selected values. This feature lets developers format and display chosen items according to their app’s requirements.

Value template feature in Blazor Dropdown Tree
Value template feature in Blazor Dropdown Tree

Syncfusion Blazor components can be transformed into stunning and efficient web apps.


Thanks for reading this blog! We’ve explored the new components and features added to the Syncfusion Blazor suite for the 2024 Volume 4 release. To discover more about the features available in this release, please visit our Release Notes and What’s New pages. Try them out and leave your feedback in the comments section below!

Existing Syncfusion users can access the most recent version of Essential Studio® on the License and Downloads page. If you’re new to Syncfusion, we offer a 30-day free trial to test these exciting new features.

You can also contact us through our support forumsupport portal, or feedback portal. We are always happy to help you!

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Rajendran R

Meet the Author

Rajendran R

Rajendran is a product manager at Syncfusion, Inc. He leads and handles the development of Syncfusion’s web components. He also plays a major role in product development and in writing blogs about the components. He enjoys reading articles about web and mobile technology.

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