Syncfusion Sponsors .NET Conf 2021 | Syncfusion Blogs
Syncfusion Sponsors .NET Conf 2021

Syncfusion is happy to sponsor .NET Conf 2021—now in its 11th year as a virtual event! The conference will take place Nov. 9–11, 2021. Attendees can learn all about .NET 6 from an impressive lineup of speakers such as Scott Hanselman, community director of .NET; Maria Naggaga, senior program manager, .NET; and Mads Torgersen, C# language designer.

The conference is organized by the .NET community, the .NET Foundation, and Microsoft. Attendees participate in this two-day virtual conference to learn more about Windows development.

As part of the sponsorship, Syncfusion will participate in the Secret Decoder Challenge. Along with other sponsors, Syncfusion will provide a dedicated landing page containing a clue that reveals one of the letters of the answer to the challenge. Attendees can visit all sponsor sites to get the clues, collect the letters, and find the answer to the challenge.

A new aspect of this year’s .NET Conf is that it is slated to be a carbon-negative event! Even though this is a virtual event, there is still environmental impact due to the high number of people streaming. The organizers worked with TradeWater to purchase offset credits. Those offset credits enable TradeWater to “find and destroy the most potent greenhouse gases before they are released into the atmosphere.”

Syncfusion looks forward to .NET Conf 2021—an exciting day of learning and engagement featuring a lineup of great speakers. To subscribe to updates for the conference, please visit Or you can follow the event on Twitter: @dotnet, handle #dotNETConf.

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Marissa Keller Outten

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Marissa Keller Outten

Marissa Keller Outten is the VP of Business Development at Syncfusion. For over 20 years, she has built win-win relationships with marketing, integration and alliance partners to expand the Syncfusion community.

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