Syncfusion Defers UWP Support in WinUI 3 Suite | Syncfusion Blogs
Syncfusion Defers UWP Support in WinUI 3 Suite

As most of us know, Microsoft’s WinUI 3 framework supports developing both desktop (Win32) and UWP applications. So, Syncfusion’s WinUI 3 controls, too, supported both these platforms. However, moving forward, from the 2021 Volume 2 service pack 1 release, we are deferring support for the WinUI 3 UWP platform until the stable version is released from Microsoft. This blog covers the two reasons for our decision.

Experimental mode

Though Microsoft provides support for both desktop and UWP, it is still keeping the UWP part in experimental mode. The desktop platform, though, has been marked stable in recent releases.

Since the platform is not production-ready yet, we cannot publish WinUI UWP applications in the Microsoft Store.

Features available by release channel

Roadmap of Microsoft

Microsoft doesn’t have any plans to provide a stable version of WinUI UWP in the foreseeable future. This was discussed in the recent WinUI community call and on the Discord channel by one of the members of the WinUI team.

This YouTube video contains the former discussion:

Screenshot of the discussion in Discord
Screenshot of the discussion in Discord

Due to these reasons, we decided to temporarily defer WinUI UWP support as of the 2021 Volume 2 service pack release.


As we mentioned, Microsoft has prioritized WinUI 3 for desktop in their roadmap. So, we will now focus fully on creating custom controls in WinUI 3 for desktops and bring them to you quickly.

Since Microsoft does not have plans to move WinUI UWP to a stable version any time soon (at least for a year), we are deferring development for now, too. We will definitely include UWP support for our controls again once when the stable version is released.

To learn more about our controls, refer to our WinUI 3 control demos. If you aren’t a customer yet, you can try our 30-day free trial to check out our features.

You can contact us through our support forumsDirect-Trac, or feedback portal. We are always happy to assist you!

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Mohamed Samsudeen

Meet the Author

Mohamed Samsudeen

Mohamed Samsudeen is a Product Manager for Xamarin, Flutter, WinUI, and WPF products in Syncfusion. He has been a .NET developer since 2013 who is now prominently working in creating and managing custom components for WPF and WinUI platforms.

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