Sunday, April 23, was World Book Day, a celebration of reading and publishing designated by UNESCO. Syncfusion is proud to be contributing to the knowledge of the world with our Succinctly series, helping developers get a quick start on new technologies for free. We’ve published 113 e-books, and counting!
Not all of us are developers, though, and often our tastes in books span many genres, so we asked our employees, “What are your favorite books and authors?” And they responded!
Our favorite genre was science fiction, closely followed by fantasy, sometimes loved by the same person.
“I am a science nerd, so I love sci-fi that has a basis in reality,” said Bill from our sales department, naming Eon by Greg Bear as his favorite. “Give me some singularity, robo-apocalypse, AI nerdity and I will be content all day.”
“I like Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell because it delivers a richly detailed setting filled with entertaining characters,” said Darren of the content team. “It also works well as an homage to the literature of Georgian England, utilizing period-appropriate language and style. It’s a long book, but for anyone who is in tune with its sensibilities, it is a unique pleasure.” |
Jessie from our legal team chose Isaac Asimov as her favorite author. “I like Isaac Asimov because he was a visionary world-builder in the truest sense,” she said. “Not only was he one of the most prolific authors of the last century, but his mastery of so many different areas led him to create books that were both insightful and addictive. Even though I began reading his books a couple decades ago, the imagery his words originally evoked is still quite clear in my mind.”
For some, audiobooks are a great way to fit in a good story when your hands or eyes are needed elsewhere.
“Amazing stories, great characters,” said Brett from the client relations department of Jonathan Stroud’s Bartimaeus Trilogy. “I enjoy audiobooks and these are expertly performed.” |
Chad, our product manager, reminisced about his favorite author, “Piers Anthony has both very silly and very thought-provoking books. Well, at least I thought so when I was younger…”
While Jordan of the client relations team went into fond detail about Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis. “This is my favorite book because of where it stands in the SciFi genre,” he said. “This book was written before space travel ever happened, it predates any type of physical description of space travel at all, but the visuals the descriptions give you are simply outstanding. This book is the shear embodiment of sci-fi: it is based in our reality and centered around what we as humans on earth are familiar with, then it rockets into a state of pure creative mental bliss. Holy goodness, I need to read this book again.”
| “I like reading about worlds with imaginative and infinite possibilities.” |
He chose Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man as his favorite book, though. | |
“Third Degree is super intense,” said Jon of the sales team. “Everyone I have recommended the book to has always said that once they started, they couldn’t put it down.”
The sales team’s David enjoyed the classic Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Sallinger, “Holden Caufield was someone I could totally relate to.”
Our most popular book (and by that we mean the only one with two votes) was Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
Many other employees like nonfiction books that inspire or intrigue them.
Alicia of the marketing team said that the ACBL Bridge Series is her favorite. “I like to continuously learn new skills and concepts, and this topic never gets boring to me,” she said. “You can study the game of bridge forever and there is always something new to learn.”
“Tim Ferriss is a lifehacker and his series of books, which started with The 4-Hour Workweek, are great if you are looking at improving your life in many different facets,” said Domingo of the sales team. |
Brad, our sales director, is also a big fan of audiobooks, and likes Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek best. “It provides a true perspective on leadership,” he said.
“I love learning new things and, thus, have bookshelves of nonfiction books to enjoy,” said Jose from the marketing team. “The book I chose is just one of my favorites.” He chose Writing and Literacy in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese by Insup and M. Marton Taylor. |
Matt from the sales team likes business books and biographies, with Malcolm Gladwell being his favorite. “Outliers tells the background of many celebrated individuals and makes one reconsider what it takes and means to be ‘successful,’” he said.
And then there were the individuals who had a lot of trouble choosing favorites.
When asked his favorite genre of books, Christopher from the sales team couldn’t choose, “Anything that most people would call me a nerd for reading.”
Likewise, Sandy of the finance department said it was too hard to choose just one book or author, but eventually settled on a genre. “I have eclectic tastes, making it difficult to choose. Perhaps poetry?” she said. “Poetry conveys a message succinctly and rhythmically.”
What do you like to read? Have you tried some of these books? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook or Twitter.