5 Reasons Why You Should Replace the Default Navigation Bar with Syncfusion’s Blazor Sidebar
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5 Reasons Why You Should Replace the Default Navigation Bar with Syncfusion’s Blazor Sidebar

Almost every application needs a navigation system to better organize multilevel menus and easily move through the application. Though Blazor has default navigation, it often falls short of expectations and can make your app look outdated. If you ever had this problem and thought about replacing the default navigation, then this post is for you.

The Syncfusion Blazor Sidebar is an expandable and collapsible component. It typically acts as a side container to place primary or secondary content alongside the main content. It provides flexible options to be shown and hidden based on user interactions.

Blazor Sidebar Component
Blazor Sidebar Component

In this blog post, we will see the following 5 major features of our Blazor Sidebar that make it better than the default navigation:

Different types of transitions

Different types of slide-out transitions in the Blazor Sidebar give users the flexibility to view or hide content over or above the main content by pushing, sliding, or overlaying it.


Note: Refer to the Customizing the different types of sidebar documentation.

HTML side content position

The sidebars can be placed on the left, right, or both sides of the application. This helps us see both the primary and secondary content simultaneously.

Customizing the Sidebar Based on the Position
Customizing the Sidebar Based on the Position

Note: For more details, refer to the Customizing the sidebar based on position documentation.

Add and dock the HTML slide panel content

You can place any type of HTML content or component in the Sidebar for quick access and easy navigation, like quick references, menus, lists, and tree views. Also, you can use the Target property to set the context element to initialize the Sidebar inside any HTML element apart from the body element.

Note: For more details, refer to the Sidebar for specific content in Blazor Sidebar Component documentation.

When you dock the side content, it will give the main content more space. The navigation text will become a shortened view of icons like in the following .gif image.

Docking in Blazor Sidebar
Docking in Blazor Sidebar

Note: For more details, refer to the Docking in Blazor Sidebar Component documentation.

You can also bind any custom action to any element (hamburger menu or buttons) to toggle the Sidebar.

Balzor Sidebar Menu Toggling
Balzor Sidebar Menu Toggling

Mobile-friendly side navigation menu

The Blazor Sidebar component behaves differently on mobile and desktop screens. Its responsive mode gives an adaptive, redesigned UI appearance for mobile devices.

You can also customize the expand and collapse states of the Sidebar according to the resolution using the MediaQuery property.

Mobile-Friendly Side Navigation Menu in Blazor Sidebar
Mobile-Friendly Side Navigation Menu in Blazor Sidebar

Note: For more details, refer to the Responsive Sidebar in Blazor Sidebar Component documentation.

So far, we have seen the features of our Blazor Sidebar component that make it better than the default navigation.

Now, let’s see how to replace the default navigation with the Blazor Sidebar in two simple steps!

Replacing default navigation with the Syncfusion Blazor Sidebar

To initialize the Syncfusion Blazor Sidebar in place of the default navigation sidebar in an application, please follow these steps:

Step #1: First, install the Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations NuGet package in the Blazor application by referring to this documentation.

Step #2: Then, remove the following code for the sidebar element from the MainLayout.razor page.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations

<div class="dock">
    <li class="sidebar-item" id="toggle" @onclick="@Toggle">                           
        <span class="e-icons expand"></span>
        <span class="e-text" title="menu">Menu</span>
    <li class="sidebar-item">
        <span class="e-icons home"></span>
        <span class="e-text" title="home">Home</span>
    <li class="sidebar-item">
        <span class="e-icons profile"></span>
        <span class="e-text" title="profile">Profile</span>
    <li class="sidebar-item">
        <span class="e-icons info"></span>
        <span class="e-text" title="info">Info</span>
     <li class="sidebar-item">
        <span class="e-icons settings"></span>
        <span class="e-text" title="settings">Settings</span>
@code {

    public SfSidebar SidebarInstance { get; set; }

    public void Toggle()


Step #3: Then, include the following code for the SfSidebar within the MainLayout.razor file.

@inherits LayoutComponentBase
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations

<SfSidebar Width="220px" DockSize="72px" EnableDock="true"  @ref="Sidebar" HtmlAttributes="@HtmlAttribute">
    <NavMenu SidebarInstance="Sidebar">

<div id="main-content container-fluid col-md-12">
  <div class="title">Main content</div>
  <div class="sub-title">
    <p>Click the expand icon to open and collapse icon to close the sidebar</p>
  SfSidebar Sidebar;

       Dictionary<string, object> HtmlAttribute = new Dictionary<string, object>()
        {"class", "dockSidebar" }
    .title {
        text-align: center;
        font-size: 20px;
        padding: 15px;
    .sub-title {
        text-align: center;
        font-size: 16px;
        padding: 10px;
    #wrapper .sub-title .column {
        display: inline-block;
        padding: 10px;
    /* custom code start */
    .center {
        text-align: center;
        display: none;
        font-size: 13px;
        font-weight: 400;
        margin-top: 20px;
    .sb-content-tab .center {
        display: block;
    /* custom code end */
    /* end of content area styles */
    /* Sidebar styles */
    .dockSidebar.e-sidebar.e-right.e-close {
        visibility: visible;
        transform: translateX(0%);
    .dockSidebar .e-icons::before {
        font-size: 25px;
    /* dockbar icon Style */
    .dockSidebar .home::before {
        content: '\e102';
    .dockSidebar .profile::before {
        content: '\e10c';
    .dockSidebar .info::before {
        content: '\e11b';
    .dockSidebar .settings::before {
        content: '\e10b';
    .e-sidebar .expand::before,
    .e-sidebar.e-right.e-open .expand::before {
        content: '\e10f';
    .e-sidebar.e-open .expand::before,
    .e-sidebar.e-right .expand::before {
        content: '\e10e';
    /* end of dockbar icon Style */
    .dockSidebar.e-close .sidebar-item {
        padding: 5px 20px;
    .dockSidebar.e-dock.e-close span.e-text {
        display: none;
    .dockSidebar.e-dock.e-open span.e-text {
        display: inline-block;
    .dockSidebar li {
        list-style-type: none;
        cursor: pointer;
    .dockSidebar ul {
        padding: 0px;
    .dockSidebar.e-sidebar ul li:hover span {
        color: white
    .dockSidebar span.e-icons {
        color: #c0c2c5;
        line-height: 2
    .e-open .e-icons {
        margin-right: 16px;
    .e-open .e-text {
        overflow: hidden;
        text-overflow: ellipsis;
        line-height: 23px;
        font-size: 15px;
    .sidebar-item {
        text-align: center;
        border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(229, 229, 229, 0.54);
    .e-sidebar.e-open .sidebar-item {
        text-align: left;
        padding-left: 15px;
        color: #c0c2c5;
    .dockSidebar.e-sidebar {
        background: #2d323e;
        overflow: hidden;
	app {   
    display: inherit;
    @@font-face {
        font-family: 'e-icons';
        font-weight: normal;
        font-style: normal;

Refer to the following .gif image.

Replacing the Default Navigation with Syncfusion’s Blazor Sidebar component
Replacing the Default Navigation with Syncfusion’s Blazor Sidebar component

GitHub reference

Also, you can download the complete demo to Replace the Default Navigation with the Syncfusion Blazor Sidebar.


In this blog, we have seen the reasons and steps to replace your default navigation with the Syncfusion Blazor Sidebar component. Try out them and leave your feedback in the comments section of this blog post!

Our Sidebar component is also available in our ASP.NET (Core, MVC), JavaScript, Angular, React, and Vue platforms.

For existing customers, the new version is available for download from the License and Downloads page. If you are not yet a Syncfusion customer, you can try our 30-day free trial to check out our available features. Also, try our samples from this GitHub location.

Also, you can contact us through our support forumDirect-Trac, or feedback portal. We are always happy to assist you!

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Thirukumaran Murugan

Meet the Author

Thirukumaran Murugan

Thirukumaran is a software developer at Syncfusion in India, where he develops highly enriched UI products that help the clients to develop mobile and web apps. He also supports Syncfusion components for various platforms such as Typescript, ReactJS, Angular, and Vue.