Interview with Azure Maps Using Blazor Succinctly Author Michael Washington
Interview with Azure Maps Using Blazor Succinctly Author Michael Washington

The following is a short interview with Succinctly series author Michael Washington, whose book Azure Maps Using Blazor Succinctly was published recently. You can download the book from our ebook portal.

Azure Maps Using Blazor Succinctly

1. What should people know about Azure Maps? Why is it important?

Mapping is important and expected for any location-based application. Azure Maps allows developers to deliver advanced experiences without requiring a lot of JavaScript.

2. When did you first become interested in this subject?

All advanced mapping solutions require some sort of subscription. I already have a Microsoft Azure account, so I searched for what they had to offer and found Azure Maps.

3. By writing this ebook, did you learn anything new yourself?

Geocoding, storing, and searching location data is actually easy and straightforward.

4. How will Azure Maps change over the next few years?

Mapping will simply add more features. Azure Maps will allow you to create your own custom maps, for example, mapping the inside of a building.

5. Do you see Azure Maps as part of a larger trend in software development?

Using Azure Maps is achieved using REST-based calls. This continues to be the standard when working with cloud services.

6. What other books or resources on this topic do you recommend?

The Microsoft Azure Maps website was the best source of documentation that I found.

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